Episode Tracy Kaplan Episode Tracy Kaplan

Longest Day of the Year ⌛

Do you know why June 20th is the Summer Solstice? 😎 Learn all about it from Laine Farber of the Nature Nerds Podcast. ☀️ While we are talking Summer, Jacob and Olivia Rozencwaig from the Curious Kid Podcast, join to break down the science of sunscreen. 🧴 Check out some headlines. ✅ And test your planet knowledge in today’s Trivia on the Ten! 🧐

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Episode Tracy Kaplan Episode Tracy Kaplan

A Home COVID Test ⁉️

Who did TIME Magazine name its first ever Kid of the Year in 2020? 🧪 Discover how the FDA is making home COVID testing easier (with correspondents Jacob & Olivia Rozencwaig from the Curious Kid Podcast) 👾  Pac-Man turns 40! Let's celebrate with Five Fast Facts about the classic arcade game. 🤶  Get festive with The Ten News Screen Report: the holiday edition! (with correspondent Ryan Nerz) 🐧  See if you can guess the answer to the Trivia Question of the Day: How did scientists discover new penguin colonies in Antarctica?

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Episode Tracy Kaplan Episode Tracy Kaplan

Generosity is Year-Round 💝

🎁 You know Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but what about Giving Tuesday? Get the facts! (with correspondent Anya Schultz) 🤿 Hear why a sea scooter makes a terrible getaway vehicle 🍂 Learn why leaves change color in the Fall (with correspondents Jacob & Olivia Rozencwaig from the Curious Kid Podcast) ⁉️ Guess the answer to the Trivia Question of the Day: What holiday song hit #1 on the music charts 25 years after it was originally released?

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Episode Tracy Kaplan Episode Tracy Kaplan

Keep That Pumpkin Pie to Yourself: A Coronavirus Update Bonus 🦠

🧼 If you're traveling for the holidays, get some clear, simple tips on how to travel safe 👧 Hear what shelter-in-place looked like for 10-year-old Sasha who quarantined in two countries! (with correspondent Bridget Todd) ⚕️ Learn how vaccines really work (with correspondents Jacob & Olivia Rosencwaig from the Curious Kid Podcast) 🤧 Learn today’s Fun Fact about sneezes and which animal can your sneeze beat in a race 👨‍⚕️ Guess the answer to the Trivia Question of the Day: Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, faced down what ceremonial act?

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Episode Tracy Kaplan Episode Tracy Kaplan

Crossing the Digital Divide 📶

🥇 Hear 5 ways US voters made history with this year's elections *(hint: it wasn't only about the Presidency)* 👩🏽‍⚕️ Get the latest on the coronavirus vaccine (with correspondents Jacob & Olivia Rosencwaig from the Curious Kid Podcast) 📶 Hear how online school works (or doesn't work) if you don’t have internet access ❓❓ Guess the answer to the Trivia Question of the Day: what kind of animal was gifted to US President Martin Van Buren? 🪐 Learn today’s Fun Fact about the depths of space!

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