Generosity is Year-Round ๐Ÿ’



๐ŸŽ You know Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but what about Giving Tuesday? Get the facts! (with correspondent Anya Schultz) ๐Ÿคฟ Hear why a sea scooter makes a terrible getaway vehicle ๐Ÿ‚ Learn why leaves change color in the Fall (with correspondents Jacob & Olivia Rozencwaig from the Curious Kid Podcast) โ‰๏ธ Guess the answer to the Trivia Question of the Day: What holiday song hit #1 on the music charts 25 years after it was originally released?


๐ŸŽ Learn more about Giving Tuesday
๐Ÿ’ Check out this great list of 14 Ways Kids Can Give Back without Leaving the House
๐ŸŽง Listen to correspondents Jacob & Olivia Rozencwaigโ€™s podcast: Curious Kid Podcast
๐Ÿ’Œ Send us a story idea! Email:


Bethany Van Delft: [00:00:00] What's Giving Tuesday all about? Why do leaves change color in the Fall? And why does a sea scooter make a terrible getaway vehicle? I'm Bethany Van Delft, and we'll get into all this and more on today's The Ten News. The show where in the time it takes to rake all the leaves in the yard into a nice, neat pile, and then jump in it, we'll find out what's up in the world.

[00:00:26] Okay, let's get into The Ten News.

[00:00:29] Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.

[00:00:37] It's the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, which means today is Giving Tuesday, a day created to encourage people to do good things and celebrate generosity. Let's go to our correspondent, Anya Schultz to learn more about it.

[00:00:53] You might have heard of Black Friday. It's the day after Thanksgiving when people rush to stores to buy gifts [00:01:00] on sale, or Cyber Monday, when people shop online with big discounts. I spoke with Dante Plush who works for the organization behind Giving Tuesday. He told me that today is pretty different than those shopping holidays.

[00:01:15] So pretty much Giving Tuesday is aiming to be the antithesis of those things. It's like, if you can give money to these stores for Christmas presents on sales. You can also probably give money or time or, you know, a smile or something to other people on Tuesday.

Anya Schultz: [00:01:37] Giving Tuesday began eight years ago as an organization to promote generosity.

[00:01:43] Dante's job at Giving Tuesday is to work with kids all over the world who want to make a difference. Young people go to the Giving Tuesdays Spark website and share a generous idea that they have, then Dante helps make it happen. Dante said, Giving [00:02:00] Tuesday is all about kindness.

Dante Plush: [00:02:02] We truly believe that like when people give and do generous acts of kindness, uh, you know, from the kindness of their heart, it not only makes other people feel nice, but it also kind of gives you a sense of power inside of the like. Whoa, like I just smiled at someone and I changed their entire day. Um, so we're kind of hoping to be able to harness that and, you know, use it to progress the planet forward because generosity is something that anyone can offer regardless of how big or small it is, regardless of how old someone is, regardless of like where someone is located in the world, despite your race, your nationality, your religion, political affiliation, everyone has something to offer.

Anya Schultz: [00:02:44] Dante said around 15,000 kids are taking part in Giving Tuesday this year, each in their own way. There's Sammy in Indiana who started a smiles campaign and asked people to draw a smile and take a picture with it. Or Chloe in [00:03:00] California who donates food to a community fridge each week.

Dante Plush: [00:03:05] There's nothing too big. There's no such thing as too big or too small of generosity. Like sure, giving someone a hundred dollars is cool, but I think you can change someone's life. You know, we don't know this, but you can change someone's life with a compliment one day. You could be helping someone who really needs it. Um, so, you know, there's nothing too big or too small. Everyone has something to give and that's what works about the Giving Tuesday model.

Anya Schultz: [00:03:31] Today is Giving Tuesday, but Dante reminded me that generosity is year round. It's always a good day to do something nice for others.

Bethany Van Delft: [00:03:43] If you're feeling inspired by the Giving Tuesday spirit, here are four simple things you can do to make someone's day. Number one, round up a pile of books you're done reading and donate them to your nearest little Free Library. Don't have one near you? Find out how to start [00:04:00] one in your neighborhood by visiting

[00:04:04] Number two, write a thank you note to a hero in your community, like a first responder or healthcare worker or your favorite babysitter and let them know you appreciate them. Number three, do some extra chores around the house without anybody asking you, you, this one will definitely make your grownups smile.

[00:04:28] Number four, say something nice. A compliment or kind word can go a long way towards brightening someone's day. Remember, these are things you can do any day of the week. It doesn't have to be Giving Tuesday and it doesn't have to be Tuesday. Any day of the week, these things will brighten someone's day

[00:04:53] And now for some completely random news. A wanted man in California, led federal agents on a [00:05:00] wild car chase that ended at the end of a reservoir called Lake Shasta. The man then tried to escape the FBI, by plunging into the water and jetting way with a sea scooter. Sounds like a scene from an action movie, right? But according to reports, once the man went underwater, agents just followed his bubbles and arrested him about 25 minutes later when he resurfaced.

[00:05:29] Have you ever stopped to wonder why the leaves change color in the Fall? Friends of The Ten, Jacob and Olivia Rozencwaig from the Curious Kid Podcast are here to tell us all about it.

Jacob Rozencwaig: [00:05:42] Happy Fall, y'all. Something amazing and beautiful is happening in many parts of the United States right now. What's happening is so breathtaking that many people drive hundreds of miles just to see it.

Olivia Rozencwaig: [00:05:54] Those people are called leaf peepers.

Jacob Rozencwaig: [00:05:57] And who can blame them for peeping. The [00:06:00] leaves are so beautiful as they change colors and fall to the ground. But how. And why do leaves change colors? Before we can answer those questions, it helps to know why leads are green in the first place. Leaves are green because they have a chemical called chlorophyll.

[00:06:17] Chlorophyll is bright green. Chlorophyll takes the sunlight and turns it into sugar that the tree uses for energy.

Olivia Rozencwaig: [00:06:25] I get my energy from sugar too, Skittles!

Jacob Rozencwaig: [00:06:28] This is a bit different. When a tree turns sunlight into energy, it is called photosynthesis. When you turn Skittles into energy, it's called a sugar rush.

[00:06:41] Well, what happens around this time of year is that the days are getting shorter and shorter and the temperatures are plunging lower and lower. The shorter days and colder temperatures break down the chlorophyll and the leaves. And all of a sudden you are able to see other beautiful [00:07:00] colors like red, orange, and yellow.

[00:07:03] Guess what? Those other colors were there all along, but you couldn't see them because the chlorophyll was so overpowering that the color green was the only color you could see. After the leaves change colors, they fall. The leaves fall so that the tree can survive the harsh winter ahead. The leaves spent the spring and summer turning sunlight into energy for the tree and now the tree uses that energy to survive in the winter.

Olivia Rozencwaig: [00:07:30] But don't you worry, the tree will make more beautiful leaves in the Spring.

Jacob Rozencwaig: [00:07:35] And, in the meantime, we get to enjoy the incredible Fall foliage. Looking for something fun and healthy to do this Fall? Did you know that the average person can burn over 300 calories per hour just by raking leaves?

Olivia Rozencwaig: [00:07:49] Leave it to my dad to try to make raking leaves sound like fun.

Jacob Rozencwaig: [00:07:53] That's right. Happy raking everybody.

Bethany Van Delft: [00:07:57] Why, thank you. Happy raking to you [00:08:00] too. To learn more from Jacob and Olivia, check out their Curious Kid Podcast.

[00:08:07] It's time for your trivia question of the day. 'Tis the season for playing your favorite holiday music on repeat!

[00:08:20] What popular holiday song hit number one on the music charts 25 years after its release? I know you're not 25 years old, but you might know the answer to this. Is it A) "Last Christmas" by Wham, B) "Feliz Navidad" by Jose Feliciano, c) "All I Want for Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey or D) "Like Its Christmas" by the Jonas Brothers.

[00:08:49] Did you get it? The answer is C.

[00:08:56] Mariah Carey's chart topping classic was released in [00:09:00] 1994, and it finally hit the number one spot on the Billboard Charts in 2019. I wonder what Jonas Brothers song we'll still be listening to in 2045. We want to know what your favorite holiday song is. Send us a note at Awe, time's up.

[00:09:25] That's the end of The Ten News for today, but you can catch new episodes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Ten News is a co-production of Small But Mighty Media in collaboration with Next Chapter Podcasts and distributed by iHeartRadio. The Ten News writing team is led by editorial director, Tracey Crooks, with contributions from Stephen Tompkins, Any Schultz and Jacob Rozencwaig.

[00:09:49] The creative producer is Jenner Pascua. Marketing is led by Jacob Bronstein with social media and web support by Steven Tompkins and Adam Pharr. Editing and sound design by [00:10:00] Pete Musto under the production direction of Jeremiah Tittle. Executive Producer, Donald Albright and show creator Tracy Leeds Kaplan round out the team.

[00:10:09] If you have questions about the show, a story idea, or a fun fact you want to share, email us at And don't forget to subscribe, rate and review The Ten News on Apple podcasts,  iHeartRadio, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. I am Bethany Van Delft and thanks for listening to The Ten News.

[00:10:29] Now go do something kind today. I don't even need to tell you that! You do kind things every day. I know, I can see you. Bye.


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