Our 100th Episode! 💯


Episode 100 Description

Celebrating a big milestone today, our 100th episode. Enjoy a look back at some of our favorite moments, fun facts, and guests. 🎧 Hear from our correspondents and Ten’ers who have helped us out on the show. 😻 Do you want to be a part of the next 100 episodes or have a story that you want us cover? 📧 Email us at hello@thetennews.com or submit a note at our website www.thetennews.com.

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Various Voices 0:00

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Bethany Van Delft 0:06

I'm Bethany Van Delft. And this is The Ten News where we get the lowdown on what's up in the world. It's Thursday, June 24. Today we have a very special episode, we are celebrating our 100th episode. And today's episode, we're going to look back at some of the stories we've covered here from our correspondents about their favorite segments. And of course, we'll have a few fun facts. My favorite part of the show, what am I talking about? I love so many things about The Ten. One of my favorite things, is getting to talk with super cool kids doing amazing things out there. Like Bellen Woodard, the crayon activist and Tyler Newman, founder of the afro-puff Chronicles. I am a huge fan by the way.

Over the past 99 episodes, we've gotten so much help from youth centers to celebrate our 100th episode. Here's a few of our favorite Ten'er moments.

Various Voices 1:20

Um, I'm Bethany Van Delft.

No, I'm Bethany Van Delft.

I'm Bethany Van Delft.

No, I'm Bethany Van Delft.

Bethany Van Delft 1:30

I'm Bethany Van Delft.

Sasha 1:33

Hi, my name is Sasha and I'm 11 years old. And some of my favorite Halloween movies are The Nightmare Before Christmas. Hotel Transylvania and The Addams Family.

A Kid 1:46

Wow, we have almost the same pet.

Sasha 1:47

Oh, yeah, we do.

Bethany Van Delft 1:51

It it's been a roller coaster of a year, and we've covered a lot of different topics, like COVID, and hosting a kid's town hall with Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Noah 2:01

Hi, Dr. Fauci. My name is Noah, I'm 11 years old. I was wondering, are you a dog or cat person?

Dr. Fauci 2:08

Dog all the way.

Bethany Van Delft 2:11

To the inauguration of President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have officially been sworn in as the new president and vice president of the United States.

A Kid 2:23

Way to go!

Bethany Van Delft 2:24

We've aimed to bring you stories that you have questions about.

A Kid 2:28

I wanted to ask you about going up to space is like during COVID.

Terry Virts 2:33

You know, the funny thing about that I actually I wrote a short blog last year about how being in space was similar to being stuck on earth and COVID. Because when I was there, we had three cargo ships back to back to back blew up. And so the station was all of a sudden low on supplies. So we were stuck in the space station. We didn't know how long it was going to last. We were low on supplies. And there was just a lot of similarities between being stuck in space and being stuck down here in COVID.

Bethany Van Delft 3:03

We also have the coolest group of people who helped put The Ten News together. Let's hear from a few of them now.

Pamela Kirkland

I'm Pamela Kirkland. And I loved talking to Miss Opal Lee about her lifelong mission to make Juneteenth the federal holiday, which she finally achieved.

Laine 3:19

Hey there, y'all its Laine. My favorite moment from our first 100 episodes has to be when I got to talk about the very special dogs who are helping firefighters by the California wildfires. I think anytime we get to talk about some amazing animals are helping do incredible jobs all around the country is really, really fantastic. Plus, it's puppies. Who doesn't love puppies?

Pete Musto 3:48

Hi there, this is Pete Musto. I do all the sound design and editing for the show. The thing that I've loved the most about The Ten has been honestly every single episode. I just love adding all the weird sounds and music. And every week I look forward to all the crazy stuff we get to do. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Bethany Van Delft 4:11

And now the part that I've been waiting for, a look at some of our artists fun facts, as well as headlines from our 99 episodes. Let's roll.

In our sixth episode, we introduced you to killer mosquitoes. Which of the following methods to the Mosquito Control Agency of the Florida Keys a proven and effort to eliminate the pesky bugs? Was it A) releasing 750 million genetically engineered mosquitoes, I feel itchy just thinking about it, B) releasing 100 million angry dragonflies or C) releasing 50 million tiny robot caterpillars?

Sound Bit 5:02

I don't like where this is going?

Bethany Van Delft 5:04

Did you guess it? The answer is A, 750 million genetically engineered mosquitoes. Oh my gosh, I'm itching already. When these modified bugs reproduce with the natural ones, the female offspring won't be able to survive, meaning a drastic decrease in the number of mosquitoes in the community. Whether it'll work or go down, like the plot of a creepy SciFi movie remains to be seen. We've learned a lot about our bodies. You know the sound you make when you snap? Turns out, it's not your fingers making that sound. It's actually your middle finger hitting your palm. And do you remember this one? You can't actually lick your own elbow. Go ahead, try it. I'll wait. And we couldn't resist mentioning mosquitoes again. In our trivia question about the North American plum tree. What caused the extinction of one particular type of North American plum tree? Was it A) too many people use the tree as a bathroom, B) The trees were used to make toilet paper during the Coronavirus shortage, or C) genetically modified mosquitoes ate all of the trees? Did you guess it? The answer is A, the last known cluster of the graves beach plum tree grew on a beach in Connecticut that must have been lacking a public restroom. So many beach goers use the shady grove of trees to relieve themselves that the excess nitrogen caused the trees to go extinct.

Sound Bit 6:49

Oh, gross.

Bethany Van Delft 6:50

Guys, come on. Ah, what a way to go. We've tried to keep you up to date on all things COVID and met a great kid, Caleb Chung, who helped test one of the vaccines.

Caleb Chung 7:04

I wasn't too nervous because I'm, I believe that the science is reliable and that it's safe. And I did experience a few side effects like headaches and arm and leg pains, relative fatigue or a sore throat. And actually, a few days ago, I received the news that I actually was one of the people who got the actual vaccine and not the placebo. So I was really excited that I had that protection all along.

Bethany Van Delft 7:32

We have so much more ahead of us and we want to hear from you. Let us know what stories you want to know more about. You can give us a call at 877-TEN-NEWS or send us an email at hello@thetennews.com

Now for your...

Sound Bit 7:59

What, what, what's the big idea?

Bethany Van Delft 8:03

Trivia on The Ten. It isn't easy getting to 100 of anything. What is the name of someone who makes it to their 100th birthday? Is it A) a hundred-arion, B) a pescatarian or C) a centenarian.

Did you guess it? The answer is C. Someone who lives to be 100 years old is called a centenarian. A person who lives to be 110 years old is a super centenarian. I'm not gonna lie. I really liked 100-arion. I might just start using it.

Time is up. Thanks for listening to The Ten News. Look out for new episodes on Tuesdays, Thursdays and extras on Saturdays. You can go deeper into today's stories by visiting thetennews.com. The Ten News is a co-production of Small But Mighty Media and Next Chapter podcasts and it's distributed by iHeartRadio. We've had a bunch of fantastic people involved in the show along the way. Here's everyone who has played a part getting us to 100: Janet Lee, Tracey Crooks, Aaron Fredman, Kate Hale, Kyle Murdoch, Pete Musto, Ben Austin de Campo, Andrew Hall, Jacob Bronstein, Jenner Pascua, Stephen Tompkins, and Sarah Olender. Our show contributors are Pamela Kirkland, Ryan Nerz, Jacob and Olivia Rosensweig, Laine Farber, Kenny Curtis, Bridget Todd and Anya Schult. Our production director is Jeremiah Tittle and our executive producers are Donald Albright and show creator Tracy Leeds Kaplan and thank you to all the guests who participated in the show. And all you Ten'ers who show up every week to check us out. Keep your questions and fun facts coming. I'm Bethany Van Delft. Thanks for listening to The Ten News. What about 100-and-arion? That's 100-arian and centenarian mashup.


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