All Things Avatar With Guests Janet Varney and Dante Basco



The Ten News Screen Report is entering the Avatarverse! 📺 Listen to Korra and Prince Zuko, known in real life as Janet Varney and Dante Basco, talk about their new podcast Avatar: Braving the Elements. 🔥 Listen as they share what it was like to be part of the Avatar world and what to expect on their new podcast where they share behind the scenes stories of Avatar: The Last Airbender. 🌊 Then, get the latest news out of E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo. 🎮 And do you know what Xbox unveiled? Find out in today’s trivia on the Ten! 🧐

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Various Voices 0:00

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Bethany Van Delft 0:06

I'm Bethany Van Delft. And this is The Ten News where we get the lowdown on what's up in the world. It's Tuesday, June 22. Get ready to nerd out in this special screen report. We've got the latest news from the biggest video game convention of the year. Plus, an interview with two stars from the avatar universe who have a brand new podcasts are super fans. So let's dive in. Are you an avatar the last airbender fan or have you been thinking about bingeing at this summer? Well, bands and newbies alike can get a behind the scenes look at the avatar verse in a brand new podcast from I heart, radio, and Nickelodeon called "Avatar, Braving the Elements." And I get a chance to chat with a podcast host whose voices you may recognize. Thank you so much for giving us your time today. We're so excited that you could join us. Could you introduce yourselves for our listeners?

Janet Varney 1:11

Hey, I'm Janet Varney. I am one of the hosts of the new Nickelodeon podcast "Braving the Elements" about all things Avatar-verse. That means The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra and everything in between and after, and I am also the voice of Korra.

Dante Basco 1:27

And I'm Dante Basco, the voice of Prince Zuko in Avatar Last Airbender and co-host, with Miss Janet Varney and braving the elements. We're going to the whole show from beginning and really sharing our experiences going reliving it with you guys.

Bethany Van Delft 1:41

So we are so excited for this podcast. What should listeners expect from the podcast?

Janet Varney 1:48

Dante and I are huge fans of the show. I am a huge fan of Avatar The Last Airbender. I don't have anything to do with it. I'm not in it. So I am showing up as a pure unadulterated Last Airbender fan. You know, fan girling out because I'm doing the podcast with Prince Zuko.

Dante Basco 2:05

When you are a chorus you're kind of going back in time?

Janet Varney 2:08

I am. I am. I'm not even thinking about Korra right now. I don't have time to think about Korra, because I'm constantly telling you that the Fire Nation is not the best nation.

Dante Basco 2:18

We have our ups and downs. We have our pros and cons. Like every like every element elements when nation tribe, nomads all those we have our goods and our bad's, you know?

Janet Varney 2:30

Yeah. And we have a bunch of amazing guests who are part of the show, part of the Avatarverse, maybe even created the Avatarverse, and they also help inform us, educate us, inspire us, give us their inside experience of what it's like to work on a show, like Avatar The Last Airbender, and, you know, maybe we have a few laughs along the way. I would say there's a tremendous amount of laughing every episode. We're not afraid to go deep, but we also are not afraid to laugh. Right?

Bethany Van Delft 3:03

So cool. Um, from the avatar universe? Is there someone you'd want to be friends with in real life? Like one of the characters? Is there someone that you look at and you go, we would be friends for sure?

Dante Basco 3:19

Uncle Iro. Me and Uncle Iro would roll hard wherever uncle Iro for sure. I love uncle Iro. I love his sage wisdom. I love his funny, uh, you know, just comedic way he looks at the world doesn't take things so seriously, but at the same time, very serious in the things that he talks about in a very light touch kind of way. And I think, you know, one of the goals, I think, for me is to grow, grow up and grow into uncle Iro for sure.

Bethany Van Delft 3:50

So we, we do want to talk to you with the listeners. So I here's some questions sent in from out Ten'ers Sasha. Who is 11 asked this question to Dante. Did you find it hard acting like Prince Zuko when he was a bad guy?

Dante Basco 4:11

Well, Sasha No, actually, when I first started the show, I just figured I was a bad guy. You know, I didn't really question ever having a redemptive arc or I was gonna come around. I really just thought, you know, I'll be a bad guy. I can be a good bad guy. And I didn't really know what Zuko was really about. I was just really in the moment. And I don't think it was that bad. He was just misunderstood.

Bethany Van Delft 4:36

Well, okay. Kira, who is 12 asked this question for Janet. Were you nervous about your show?

Janet Varney 4:44

Hey, Kira. Great question. The answer is, yes, I was. I was very nervous again, as a fan of The Last Airbender. I have huge respect for the show for the world that Mike and Brian created and you know, if you care about your job, you just don't want to let anybody down and so I was definitely very, very nervous. The positive feedback from fans from people who got something out of seeing Korra, a girl, you know, be the Avatar and see her struggles and relate to her struggles would be worth all my nervousness in the world times a million. It's so worth it. Because it's totally changed my life.

Bethany Van Delft 5:31

Okay. Owen who is nine years old says I love Appa the sky bison. What's your favorite animal combination and Avatar?

Janet Varney 5:41

Owen my friend, my nine year old soon to be 10 friend could not have asked us a better question. I love talking about the hybrid animals. We even have a segment on braving the elements called Animal Crossing. Not that Animal Crossing the first animal crossing that happened in Last Airbender. I'm wearing an Appa pin right now. You can't see it. Owen but I'm telling you right now major shout out to you for bringing up Appa. I love him. So I love the combination of him which is part manatee and part bison. Some people don't know that. So that was a thing.

Dante Basco 6:22

Now I know that. I didn't know that before. I didn't know that before?

Janet Varney 6:29

Yeah, he's a big favorite. Dante. What about you?

Dante Basco 6:32

I mean, he who doesn't love Momo? He's a lemur. And what? What's the cross with?

Janet Varney 6:39

He's a bat. He's a bat and a lemur. A flying bat and a lemur.

Bethany Van Delft 6:43

In real life. Which element would you want to control?

Dante Basco 6:48

I mean, I'm Fire Nation Bethany.

Bethany Van Delft 6:51

Right. Walking the walk and talking to talk in real life. If someone right now is like Dante, which element, it would still be fire.

Dante Basco 7:03

Fire forever. Fire forever. Never go against the Fire Nation.

Janet Varney 7:12

There you go. Now you've basically been on an episode of braving the elements.

Bethany Van Delft 7:18

Thank you so much for your time. We really this is so much fun. We really appreciate it.

Dante Basco 7:23

Thank you, Bethany.

Janet Varney 7:24

Oh my gosh. Thank you, Bethany. And thank you listeners for sending those great questions.

Bethany Van Delft 7:28

To hear more of our interview with Janet and Dante, check out this Saturday's The Ten News gets extra. As the very first season of Avatar: Braving the Elements is available now wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Gamers around the globe are gearing up for new bosses to battle and exciting worlds third floor last week was eat three, which stands for Electronic Entertainment Expo. It's a huge video game convention normally held every year in Los Angeles. So here's a special update on some of the hottest headlines from E3. Microsoft and Xbox showcase 30 games from tons of its top tier studios. One of the biggest moments was seeing the first ever trailer for starfield, a single player space game that comes out next year. The studio says starfield has been over 25 years in the game, and over on Microsoft's high seas. Jack Sparrow and the world of Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean is coming to the open world pirate games Sea of Thieves. Bring me that horizon. Nintendo also a huge lineup of games. We heard about Mario Party and Metroid. But one of the headline announcements was for Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 the first game one game of the year and tons of other honors. The sequel releases in 2022. But Nintendo's keeping the final title under wraps for now and finally want to be a superhero? Well, Square Enix has you covered with two new games from Marvel.

Sound Bit 9:21

God knows of the galaxy. No rocket so I let Groot fill out the paperwork.

Bethany Van Delft 9:27

You can become Star Lord in their upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy game or the king of Wakanda in a Black Panther expansion for their Marvel Avengers game. These games take years to make and developers put a lot of love and lines of code into each and every game. It's so cool to see what these amazing artists have been up to. All right, it's time for...

Sound Bit 9:56

What, what, what's the big idea?

Bethany Van Delft 9:59

Trivia on The Ten. So you thought E3 was just about games? Well, Xbox had one more surprising store for gamers who like to keep things fresh. What was it? A) a new type of controller, B) a sneaker that lets you play games on the go, or C) a mini fridge shaped like it's new console the Xbox series x. Did you guess it? The answer is C. At the very end of his showcase, Xbox rolled out an advertisement for what looked like his coveted Xbox series x consoles. But all of a sudden, the front of the console opens to reveal drink cans inside the fridge his tagline, Xbox and chill.

A Kid 10:56


Bethany Van Delft 10:59

Time's up, but before we go, here's a quick note for the grownups. Thanks for listening to The Ten News. Look out for our new episodes on Tuesdays, Thursdays and extras on Saturdays. You can go deeper into today's episode by visiting The Ten News is a co production of Small But Mighty Media and Next Chapter Podcasts and is distributed by iHeartRadio. The Ten's creative team loves waterbending and includes Kate Hale, Tracey Crooks, Pete Musto, Jenner Pascua, and Sarah Olender. Our production director is Jeremiah Tittle and our executive producers are Donald Albright and show creator Tracy Leeds Kaplan. I'm Bethany Van Delft and thanks for listening to The Ten News. I believe it can save the Earth. What about you?


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