It's Love Our Ten'ers Day!💙


Season 2: Episode 94 Description

Ten News Gets Extra: 💙 Today is National Love Our Children Day! So we’re focusing our love on our Ten’ers, aka YOU! ⏪ Flashback to some of the most awesome moments of Season 2 that feature some of our Ten'ers. ✔️ Fun Fact Check: Between which ages does the human brain develop the fastest? And, test your human brain knowledge on today's Trivia on the Ten! ✅



NATIONAL LOVE OUR CHILDREN DAY - April 2, 2022 - National Today


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Bethany Van Delft  0:01  

Ten'ers, today is National Love Our Children Day.. So guess who we're focusing on? You, Ten,ers! We're focusing our love on you. We know that kids are the future and we think you're some of the coolest people on the planet. FYI. I'm Bethany Van Delft, it's Saturday, April 2nd, and this is no ordinary episode of the Ten News. This is the Ten News Gets Extra. 

Various Voices  0:29  

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Bethany Van Delft  0:35  

Since today is National Love Our Children Day, we are looking back at some of the awesome moments from Season 2 that feature some of you, Ten'ers from your favorite food pairings.

Ten'er  0:48  

French fries and ketchup, I like when they're hot and nice and crunchy with cool ketchup. They can be curly fries, waffle fries, regular fries, or even tater tots. But once I dip them in ketchup I eat them until I run out or I'm full. 

Ten’er  1:03

I like grilled cheese and tomato soup. It's my favorite on a cold day. I like taking my melty grilled cheese and then dunking it into a warm bowl tomato soup and taking a bite. I like it so much that sometimes I eat two grilled cheese sandwiches. Mhmmm, grilled cheese. Yes, please. 

Ten’er  1:28

Okay, I know this might sound crazy, but I love mixing m&ms in with my popcorn. Popcorn is crunchy and salty and then also crunchy and sweet with the m&m. Cool. My dad taught me this and it makes Movie Night 1,000 times better.

Bethany Van Delft  1:46  

To your biggest questions... 

Ten'er  1:49  

Hi Ten News. This is Ayla from New Jersey. I was wondering who is Vladimir Putin? And why is everybody talking about Ukraine?

Bethany Van Delft  1:59  

And, even your incredible memory for Pi.

Ten'er  2:03  

Hi, I'm Maria and I'm 12 years old. I've memorized about nine digits of Pi. I memorized 3.14159265 And my favorite pie is apple pie because my grandpa used to always buy it for me.

Bethany Van Delft  2:20  

Having Ten'ers on the show is one of our favorite things. I also wanted to give a big Happy Birthday shout out to Owen in San Francisco, one of our original Ten'ers. To celebrate 10 years, head writer Ryan Willard is going to ask Owen some serious not so serious questions.

Ryan Willard  2:42  

I am here with one of our original Ten'ers. Owen Kaplan who also happens to be the son of the creator of the Ten News. So to celebrate his birthday, we've got some serious and not so serious questions. Owen. How you doing? 

Owen Kaplan  2:56  


Ryan Willard  2:57  

Oh, and if you answer any of these questions incorrectly, your mom will give you a birthday card for me that will be filled with six pounds of glitter. Are you okay with this? 

Owen Kaplan  3:07  


Ryan Willard  3:08  

Excellent. Your mom will probably not be okay with it. But I hope you do. Well. First question true or false? It is your birthday today. 

Owen Kaplan  3:16  


Ryan Willard  3:17  

True or false? You are eleventeen years old.

Owen Kaplan  3:20  


Ryan Willard  3:22  

How old are you?

Owen Kaplan  3:24  

I'm 10.

Ryan Willard  3:25  

Happy 10th birthday. What is the best birthday gift you've ever received?

Owen Kaplan  3:29  

This giant Lego set.

Ryan Willard  3:32  

What is the best birthday cake someone can eat? 

Owen Kaplan  3:36  

Icecream cake. 

Ryan Willard  3:37  

Very good answer. What is your birthday wish this year?

Owen Kaplan  3:41  

To get a great present and have great friends.

Ryan Willard  3:45  

That feels like you already have great friends. So I hope your mother listens and gets you a great present. Pizza or chicken fingers? 

Owen Kaplan  3:52  


Ryan Willard  3:52  

You're now 10 years old. You're in the double digits. What advice would you give to a nine year old? 

Owen Kaplan  3:58  

Try to survive.

Ryan Willard  4:00  

What are your favorite things to watch?

Owen Kaplan  4:03  

YouTube, I guess, Minecraft. YouTube? 

Ryan Willard  4:06  

Minecraft & YouTube is your favorite thing to watch? Okay, what is the best video game of all time?

Owen Kaplan  4:13  

My opinion I assume? Super Mario Odyssey.

Ryan Willard  4:18  

What Super Mario Odyssey is your number one? Yeah, I gotta know why. Tell me why.

Owen Kaplan  4:25  

I would say it's the first good Mario 3d platform.

Ryan Willard  4:30  

I could come to agree with you there. That is a very, very, very good point.

Owen Kaplan  4:33  

In close second is a game on a website called Scratch that I actually made.

Ryan Willard  4:40  

I'm sorry, you made a video game? Yeah. What is the video game called? 

Owen Kaplan  4:43  

It's called Scratch. Well, that's the website that you can like easily make video games on animation.

Ryan Willard  4:50  

Okay, I have a very very serious question for you. Are you ready for this? Yeah, Roblox or Minecraft?

Owen Kaplan  4:56  

Oh, that's hard. I'm gonna go with my Minecraft.

Ryan Willard  5:01  


Owen Kaplan  5:02  

It was really close so I just kind of, well I'm thinking of Minecraft because it also has like many games and stuff but Roblox has a lot more.

Ryan Willard  5:13  

What's the final answer? Owen, is it Minecraft? 

Owen Kaplan  5:15  


Ryan Willard  5:17  

Okay, that could be a wrong answer, could be a right answer. That's like probably the closest one.

Owen Kaplan  5:23  

You can't even say if that's a right answer or a wrong answer because that's um, that's like people's opinion.

Ryan Willard  5:32  

That is actually correct. But at the same time, yes I can because I'm asking the questions here, Owen. Thank you very much. If you could live in any video game world, which would it be?

Owen Kaplan  5:43  

I really want to live in Minecraft and once you're able to respond, you can respond. 

Ryan Willard  5:47  

Oh, that's number one answer Minecraft. Yes. Okay, if you could choose one pokemon game, which would it be and why? 

Owen Kaplan  5:59  


Ryan Willard  5:59  

You'd choose Ditto? That's the smartest answer I've heard all day. I was even expecting Dito. Are you kidding me? That was big brain play right there.

Owen Kaplan  6:08  

I'd get all the Pokemon.

Ryan Willard  6:10  

Yeah, no, that's the smartest one you could actually ask for. I've never even thought about that as an answer. Okay, what happens if your mother does not have coffee?

Owen Kaplan  6:19  

She pretty much gets really mad and goes on a rampage, like full on rampage. She looks like a bear.

Ryan Willard  6:28  

She turns into a bear?

Owen Kaplan  6:31  

No, she looks like a bear. She looks like a bear when someone gets in the way of her cubs.

Ryan Willard  6:38  

Okay, so I will be sending your mom a case of coffee for her birthday to help you avoid that. Next question. If you could spend the day with any celebrity, living or dead, who would it be and why?

Owen Kaplan  6:51  

This one's a tough one. I guess Albert Einstein. He's a cool dude.

Ryan Willard  6:57  

That is a money answer. I like that. What is something you can do that most other people can't do?

Owen Kaplan  7:04  

Work on the Ten News.

Ryan Willard  7:06  

What job would you like to have when you're 28 years old?

Owen Kaplan  7:11  

Videogame maker.

Ryan Willard  7:13  

Very smart. Who do you like better? Your mom or your dad?

Owen Kaplan  7:20  

That's a hard one.

Ryan Willard  7:22  

Pretend like your mom's not right there. My sister could answer. We'll accept that. What is the best part of being a little brother to that sister? 

Owen Kaplan  7:31  

There are no good parts. 

Ryan Willard  7:32  

Okay. The second to last question. But this is a very, very serious question. Are you ready? If you could give yourself a new name. What would it be?

Owen Kaplan  7:46  

Owen Henry Kaplan. 

Ryan Willard  7:47  


Owen Kaplan  7:49  

When I'm writing my initials, I just do O-K.

Ryan Willard  7:55  

That is smart. I like someone who is confident and comfortable with who they are. I'm just going to tell you some other people who have changed their names including Camrus Johnson, who is now Captain Honkerballs. And our friend Molly Murphy is Matilda Starchild. But, Owen Henry Kaplan is okay to me. Okay. What would you tell another kid why they should listen to the Ten News?

Owen Kaplan  8:17  

Because it's the best kid news podcast. There is no doubt.

Ryan Willard  8:26  

No doubt in your mind. Okay, this is last question. This is just a bonus. What would you like to see more of on the Ten News?

Owen Kaplan  8:33  

Right now, more things like helping Ukraine.

Ryan Willard  8:37  

So that's something that's important to you. So, you want more Ukraine updates?

Owen Kaplan  8:40  

Yes. Also, I want like, I know you've been doing this. But I want it to like, tell people about some of the websites that can like help with Ukraine.

Ryan Willard  8:55  

Okay. Dually noted. We absolutely will. Is there anything else you'd like to say to the Ten'ers, Mr. 10 year old?

Owen Kaplan  9:02  

Are you a Marvel fan?

Ryan Willard  9:04  

Of course. I'm a Marvel fan. Are you kidding me? Are you a Marvel fan? Spider Man Homecoming?

Owen Kaplan  9:09  

Of course I've seen that twice. What's the best birthday present you've ever received?

Ryan Willard  9:13  

That's actually very easy. I got a Sega Genesis when I was in eighth grade, which was an old school gaming console and I wanted one so bad but it had 16 bit graphics, which is not that good compared to what you have now. But my own gaming console.

Owen Kaplan  9:29  

Netflix or Disney?

Ryan Willard  9:31  

I hate to say this but Disney+ right now is winning for me. 

Owen Kaplan  9:34  

Wrong. No, I do agree though. My mom asked me that in the car to give me example. And I also said Disney+. Like towards the little kids. Disney plus has like all ages. Do you like working on the team?

Ryan Willard  9:51  

Very much so that I still do it every day.

Bethany Van Delft  9:54  

Owen, and thank you for being one of our original Ten'ers and I hope you have the happiest of birthdays. Up next, it's time for... 

Various Voices  10:02  

What, what, what's the big idea? 

Bethany Van Delft  10:06  

Trivia on the Ten. Kids brains are AMAZING. Let's see if you can guess a little trivia about how awesome your brain is. By the time a child's brain is three years old, how many connections are formed between neurons? Is it a) 100,000? b) 10 million, or c) 1000 trillion? Did you guess it? The answer is C. 1,000 trillion connections between neurons are formed. And those connections are called synapses. 1000 trillion is actually twice the amount of synapses that adults have. And the peak amount of synapses in your brain will be at the age of 10. Does that mean a 12 year old is over the hill? Thank you again, senators for being your awesome selves. Before we go, here's a quick note for the grownups. Thanks for listening to the Ten News. Look out for new episodes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and extras on Saturdays. The Ten News is a coproduction of Small But Mighty Media and Next Chapter Podcasts and is distributed by iHeartRadio. The Ten News creative team is arguing about which generation is the best and includes Tracey Crooks, Pete Musto, Ryan Willard, Logan DeYoung, and Tessa Flannery. Our production director is Jeremiah Tittle and our executive producers are Donald Albright and show creative Tracy Leeds Kaplan. I'm Bethany Van Delf. Thanks for listening to the Ten News. I can settle that argument so easily. The best generation is yours, Ten'ers, you and all your shiny new synapses. You're the ones.


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