Episode Tracy Kaplan Episode Tracy Kaplan

Ten News EXTRA: Orange Snow & Winter Blues ❄️

From now on every Saturday The Ten News is getting EXTRA! 🤣 Here's this week's extra episode: 🌒 What is the Winter Solstice, and when is it? 🧠 What are the winter blues? Did you know the shorter days of winter can affect our mood and mental health? ⛷ Plus! What strange occurence turned the snow orange at a ski resort in Switzerland?

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Episode Tracy Kaplan Episode Tracy Kaplan

Catch 'Em All: Pokémon Day 👾

🏫 What do the updated CDC guidelines say about schools reopening? Do teachers have to get the COVID vaccine? 🌨 Why are freezing temperatures more dangerous in places like Texas than they are in other parts of the United States? Correspondents Jacob & Olivia Rozencwaig from the Curious Kid Podcast explain the massive power outages in Texas. 👾 Let's celebrate Pokémon Day on Pokémon's 25th anniversary with Five Fascinating Facts about the franchise. 🐝 Plus! The Trivia Question of the Day!

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Episode Tracy Kaplan Episode Tracy Kaplan

Beating The Winter Blues 🧠

🤝 What exactly is a presidential pardon? And why are President Donald Trump's pardon choices rubbing some people the wrong way? 🍑 What happened with the Georgia runoff elections? Let’s find out, and learn what it means for the rest of the country! 🐺 Learn all about red wolves with a special listener-submitted fun fact! 🧠 What are the winter blues? And what does the sun have to do with your brain chemistry? Plus! See if you can guess the answer to the Trivia Question of the Day: A Chinese spacecraft recently brought what back to Earth?

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