Episode Tracy Kaplan Episode Tracy Kaplan

Ten News EXTRA: Emoji expert Jennifer Daniel 🤯

🤣 It's Saturday, which means The Ten News is getting EXTRA! 🎨 In this week's edition we look at emojis! 🤯 We're joined by Jennifer Daniel, chair of the emoji subcommittee at the Unicode Consortium, to get the full scoop on exploding heads and boomerangs in our full interview. 😀 Plus! The emoji-themed Trivia Question of the Day!

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Episode Tracy Kaplan Episode Tracy Kaplan

How To Be An Ally 🕊

🕊 Following the tragic events that took place in Atlanta last week that resulted in eight people losing their lives, six of whom were women of Asian descent, we take a look at the importance of allyship, and learn how everyone can be an ally to someone. 🌈 Then, we're joined by Jennifer Daniel, Chair of the Emoji Subcommittee for Unicode. We discuss the importance of inclusion in emojis, what emojis we can expect in the next release, and her thoughts on our use of emojis. 👒 Plus! The Trivia Question of the Day!

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