Episode Tracy Kaplan Episode Tracy Kaplan

Ten News EXTRA: Celebrating Women’s History Month 👩🏾‍🎨

🤣 It's Saturday, which means The Ten News is getting EXTRA! In this week's edition we celebrate Women’s History Month! Let's kick things off with Five Fascinating Facts about Women’s History Month! Then, the extended interview with the first ever “crayon activist” Bellen Woodard. Named one of Time Magazine’s Kid of the Year honorees, we learn how she's making change with her Bellen’s More Than a Peach project. Plus! The Trivia Question of the Day!

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Episode Tracy Kaplan Episode Tracy Kaplan

Lift Every Voice and Sing 🎤

🏛 How did the Senate vote in former President Donald Trump's impeachment trial for his role in the January 6th Capitol Insurrection? 🖍 The first ever Time Magazine “Kid of the Year,” and crayon activist, Bellen Woodard joins The Ten News to discuss her achievement. 🎤 Learn why Congressman Jim Clyburn introduced a bill to make “Lift Every Voice and Sing” America’s National Hymn. 👃🏽 Plus! The Trivia Question of the Day!

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