Episode Tracy Kaplan Episode Tracy Kaplan

What Is Herd Immunity? 💉

⏰ Why has a movement against Daylight Saving developed in recent years? 💉 We know getting the COVID vaccine helps build immunity to the virus, but how can herd immunity help prevent COVID infections? Jacob and Olivia from the Curious Kid Podcast explain COVID herd immunity. 🐀 In today's Creature Feature, we learn how naked mole rats talk to each other using a unique dialect. 🍅 Plus! The Trivia Question of the Day!

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Episode Tracy Kaplan Episode Tracy Kaplan

Ten News EXTRA: Coin Shortage💰

🤣 It's Saturday, which means The Ten News is getting EXTRA! 💰 This week it's the coin shortage edition. 🤑 Let's check in on an unexpected side effect of the Covid 19 pandemic we previously covered - the national coin shortage. 🐠 Then, visit an aquarium in North Carolina where they’ve figured out how to put their coins to good use. 🗺 Plus! What did two teenagers in Israel discover inside of an 1100 year old clay jar!?

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Episode Tracy Kaplan Episode Tracy Kaplan

Catch 'Em All: Pokémon Day 👾

🏫 What do the updated CDC guidelines say about schools reopening? Do teachers have to get the COVID vaccine? 🌨 Why are freezing temperatures more dangerous in places like Texas than they are in other parts of the United States? Correspondents Jacob & Olivia Rozencwaig from the Curious Kid Podcast explain the massive power outages in Texas. 👾 Let's celebrate Pokémon Day on Pokémon's 25th anniversary with Five Fascinating Facts about the franchise. 🐝 Plus! The Trivia Question of the Day!

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