Super Bowl Sundae 🏈



🍄 Why was opening day of Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios in Japan recently delayed? 🏈 Let’s warm up for Super Bowl 55 between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs with 5 Fascinating Facts about the big game! Why did Ben & Jerry’s create a new ice cream flavor in honor of former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick?. 🏃‍♀️ Learn how physical activity can improve your overall mood. 📬 Plus! The Trivia Question of the Day!


🍄 Peek behind the curtain of Japan's Super Nintendo World

🏈 Warm up for Super Bowl 55 with these fascinating facts about the big game

🏃‍♀️ Try this fun workout to boost your mood

📬 Let your mail carrier know you appreciate their hard work on National Mail Carrier Day


Various Voices: [00:00:00] Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.

Bethany Van Delft: [00:00:07] From the big game to a gamer’s paradise, in the next ten

minutes, we’ll get the low down on what’s up in the world. I’m Bethany Van Delft, and this is

The Ten News.

Nintendo fans have been anxiously awaiting the opening of the first Super Nintendo World,

which was scheduled to open at Universal Studios, Japan on February 4th. Unfortunately,

due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the park’s opening date was postponed.

We’re keeping an eye on how things progress because, real life Mario Kart? Yes, please.

On Sunday February 7th, football fans will gather in their living rooms to watch the Tampa

Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs face off in Super Bowl Number 55. Let’s warm up

for the big game with five fascinating facts about the Super Bowl.

Number one: Of the ten most watched programs in American television history, nine of

them have been Super Bowls. An average game has more than 100 million people tuning in.

Number two: Super Bowls are measured in Roman numerals because the football season

runs over the course of two calendar years. Huh, I thought that was just teachers trying to

get a little math in while we watch our sports.

Number three: The Minnesota Vikings have played in four Super Bowl games, but the team

has never led the score at any point, in any of them. Prince must have been so sad.

Number four: Listen to these unbelievable snacks stats! On Super Bowl Sunday, people will

consume 1.3 billion chicken wings, 11.2 million pounds of potato chips, plus. 8.2 million

pounds more of tortilla chips and 139.4 million pounds of avocados. Sheesh. That is a lot of

food. Somebody said Tums, Tums, Tums, Tums, Tums, Toms, Tums, Tums,

And number five: This year, Sarah Thomas will make history as the first woman to officiate a

Super Bowl game. You know it! But she’s been breaking boundaries for years. She was the

first woman to officiate a major college football game, the first to officiate a bowl game, the

first to officiate in a Big Ten stadium, and in 2015, she became the NFL’s first, full time

female referree. Yes. Get it, girl.

Did you know that Ben & Jerry’s created a new ice cream flavor in honor of former NFL

quarterback, Colin Kaepernick? It’s called "Change the Whirled", get it? "Change the

Whirled". And its makers have said it’s meant to honor Kaepernick’s courageous work to

confront systemic oppression and to stop police violence against Black and Brown people.

Ah-maz-zing. As for the flavor? It’s vegan, like Kap, with caramel non-dairy sunflower butter,

fudge chips, graham crackers, and chocolate cookies mixed in. I’ll have some.

Hey grownups, are you and the family enjoying The Ten News? If so, could you please do us

a big, big favor? All you have to do is go to Apple podcasts and give us a rating and a review,

hopefully five stars, but no pressure. You don’t even have to stop listening. You can do it

right now. Don’t worry. I’ll wait.

Just kidding, take your time. Do it though. It may not seem like a big deal, but it really helps

other listeners find The Ten News, so our community can grow. Thanks again for listening.

We really appreciate it.

Next, let’s go to friend of The Ten and all round sporty guy, Kenny Curtis, to find out how

exercise can improve your mood.

Kenny Curtis: [00:04:45] Well, it’s officially winter. And even though there are so many great

things about this time of year - snow cozy fires, high cocoa being trapped inside all day can

make everyone start to feel a little stir crazy.

Luckily, there’s one simple thing that we can do to help beat the winter blues, exercise.

Yeah, I know exercise. But did you know that physical activity has actually been linked to

improving mental health? Yep. One of the best things you can do for your mental state is to

simply move your body. People who exercise regularly tend to have more energy, sleep

better at night, and experience more positivity throughout the day.

That means they’re happier. A regular exercise routine has even been proven to reduce

anxiety, depression, and ADHD. Exercise is a natural stress reliever. It helps you work off

frustration and get rid of stress and tension, but it takes things a step further by releasing

endorphins, special chemicals that give you energy and make you feel better, directly into

your brain.

So essentially by moving your body, you’re getting rid of the bad stuff and putting in more of

the good stuff. The best part, you don’t have to work out like crazy to feel the benefits.

Thirty minutes of moderate exercise, a couple of times a week is enough to see

improvements in your mental well being and by moderate exercise, we mean that you

should be breathing a little heavier than normal, but not completely out of breath.

You should still be able to hold a conversation, and you should be hot, but not extremely

sweaty. So this means walking, yoga, or going for a bike ride, all qualify. You can even break

the thirty minutes up throughout the day, if you can’t find time to do it all at once. So this

sounds great, but if you’re anything like me, you’re probably wondering how in the world,

you can find a way to exercise in the middle of winter, in the middle of a pandemic, when we

all have to stay indoors and all the schools in jams are closed.

Well, remember every little bit counts. Dance parties, cleaning the house, playing tag with

your brother, all of these are effective ways to get some exercise into your daily life. If you’re

doing virtual school, you can add some squats, jumps and stretches in between classes, or

maybe just jog up and down the steps.

You don’t have to set aside an entire hour of your day, unless you want to, you can just add

more movement into your daily routine. You can also turn exercise into a game you can play

with the whole family. Some doctors suggest creating an exercise jar with different activities

inside. Kids and parents take turns, pulling a piece of paper out of the jar and doing the

exercises together.

Some ideas include jumping jacks, sit ups and jogging in place. If you’;re looking for more

ways to stay physically active, there are tons of fun exercise, videos, online, including kids,

yoga and karate. And of course there’s always outside. Even if the weather isn’t ideal, you

can still bundle up to stay warm.

Simply taking the dog for a walk can be a great way to exercise and it’ll make your grownups

happy too. So, no matter how you decide to exercise, it’s important to remember that

physical health has a huge impact on your mental health. Our minds and bodies are

connected that way. Exercise isn’t just good for you physically, it can actually make you feel

happier and it prevents further health issues when we get older. Every little bit counts, so

get started today.

Bethany Van Delft: [00:08:24] It’s time for your trivia question of the day!

February 4th is the National Day to thank what public servant? Is it a) national thank a mail

carrier day, b) National Thank A Crossing Guard Day or C) National Thank A Toll Worker Day.

Did you get it? The answer is A! The postal service has worked extra hard this past year

between mail in ballots and all those online orders placed by people opting to stay home

during the pandemic, but mail carriers always work hard.

In fact, their unofficial motto is "neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays

these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." So Shakespearean, and

that is some serious commitment to mail. So let a mail carrier know that you appreciate

them so much. Wow. I mean, you could do that every day, right?

Time is up. That’s the end of The Ten for today, but you can catch new episodes on Tuesdays

and Thursdays. The Ten News is a co-production of Small But Mighty Media in collaboration

with Next Chapter Podcasts and distributed by iHeart Radio. The Ten News writing team is

led by editorial director Tracy Crooks, with contributions from Stephen Tompkins and Kenny


The creative producer is Jenner Pascua. Marketing is led by Jacob Bronstein with social

media and web support by Steven Tompkins and Adam Pharr. Editing and sound designed by

Pete Musto under the Production Direction of Jeremiah Tittle. Executive producer, Donald

Albright and show creator Tracy Leeds Kaplan round out the team.

If you have any questions about the show, a story idea, or a fun fact, you want to share,

email us at And as always, don’t forget to subscribe, rate and

review The Ten News on Apple podcasts, iHeartRadio, Spotify, or wherever you listen to

podcasts, it really helps get the word out there.

I’m Bethany Van Delft. And thanks for listening to The Ten News. Now go bake your mail

carrier a cake or something.


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