Ordinary Folks Doing Extraordinary Things 🦸🏻‍♀️



🎖️ Learn why we celebrate Veteran’s Day with Air Force Major Courtney Davis 👹 Hear why a bunch of ferocious Tasmanian Devils were let loose in Australia—on purpose! 🦸🏻‍♀️ The Ten News Screen Report: get the latest on Marvel Studio's Phase 4 of the MCU and when we will next hear from our favorite superheroes!


🎖️ You gotta check these 5 Facts to Know About Veterans Day
👹 Wait, did Thor help bring Tasmanian Devils back to mainland Australia? Watch this video to find out
🦸🏻‍♀️ You should read these 10 Huge Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 4 Rumors You Need To Know
📧 Email us curious facts, crazy stories, and all your questions: hello@thetennews.com


Bethany Van Delft: [00:00:00] Why do we celebrate Veteran's Day? When is the next Marvel superhero movie coming out? And what happens when you let a couple dozen Tasmanian devils loose? I'm Bethany Van Delft, and we'll get into all this and more on today's The Ten News. The show where in way less time than it takes to recap the origin stories of all of the Avengers, we find out what's up in the world.

[00:00:28] Okay, let's get into The Ten News.

[00:00:31] Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.

Joe Biden: [00:00:39] "I'm humbled by the trust and confidence you've placed in me. I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide, but unify. Who doesn't see red states and blue states only sees the United States."

Bethany Van Delft: [00:00:58] Over the weekend, the [00:01:00] presidential election was called in favor of Vice President, Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris.

[00:01:06] We talked in an earlier episode about the historic impact of Senator Harris's nomination, and now the U.S. has officially elected the first woman and person of color to the office of Vice President. History made!

Kamala Harris: [00:01:22] "But while I may be the first woman in this office, I will not be the last."

Bethany Van Delft: [00:01:30] And did you know that this was Joe Biden's third attempt to become president? His win came exactly 48 years to the day after he was first elected to the U.S. Senate. This is a great reminder to never, ever, ever give up. Congratulations to the new President-elect Joe Biden and Madam Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

[00:02:00] [00:02:00] Tomorrow, November 11th is Veteran's Day. A day to honor those who have served in our country's military and to thank them for the sacrifices. To find out more, our friend Dylan aged 13, spoke with retired Air Force Major Courtney Davis.

Courtney Davis: [00:02:15] Hi, my name is Courtney Davis. I live in Morgan Hill, California,and I am the mom of two beautiful kids, Danica and DJ.

Dylan: [00:02:24] So, Courtney , Veteran's Day is coming up and I know that you're a veteran and that's really cool. So I'm just going to ask you, um, a few questions about what your service was like.

Courtney Davis: [00:02:37] Sure.

Dylan: [00:02:37] The first thing that I want to ask you was is, um, what branch of service for you in.

Courtney Davis: [00:02:43] I enlisted in the United States Air Force Reserves.

Dylan: [00:02:46] Okay. And was there any like specific reason that you chose the Air Force?

Courtney Davis: [00:02:50] You know, truthfully, I was really influenced by my family as my entire family served in the military, my father, uncles, grandfather, the [00:03:00] whole family. So, uh, that was the biggest influence. And I graduated from high school at 17 years old and wasn't ready tostart college right away. But I knew that at that time I wanted to go into the medical field.

[00:03:14] So I felt like joining the military would be a good stepping stone for my future career. I also received the GI Bill, which were funds that helped pay for my college tuition. I was deployed multiple times in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. My very last deployment was in 2006 and that was to Belad Air Force Base in Iraq.

Dylan: [00:03:35] What rank were you?

Courtney Davis: [00:03:37] I started from the bottom as an Airman Basic or an E1, and I retired as an officer a Major, an O4.

Dylan: [00:03:44] What was your job when you were deployed?

Courtney Davis: [00:03:46] So, while I was deployed, I was deployed as a medical technician. So my job was to take care of the troops, but right before I deployed, I had taken my boards to get my nursing license.

[00:03:59] So by [00:04:00] the time I got into country, I found out that I had passed my boards. And at that point, that was when I first began my job as a official nurse.

Dylan: [00:04:10] Were you nervous the first time you were deployed?

Courtney Davis: [00:04:13] I was absolutely terrified. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I quickly found out.

Dylan: [00:04:20] What are you most proud of about your military service?

Courtney Davis: [00:04:24] I would say the most, I'm most proud of the time that I spent caring for the wounded veterans while I was deployed. Um, to be able to give back to these selfless heroes who risked their lives for our country was an honor. And I learned a lot from them.

Dylan: [00:04:40] What does Veterans Day mean to you?

Courtney Davis: [00:04:42] Veterans Day means to me, uh, it's a day to honor and celebrate the service of our past and present veterans who have fought for all the freedoms that we have today.

Dylan: [00:04:53] What do you think is a good way for people to celebrate Veterans Day?

Courtney Davis: [00:04:56] Good question. I would say. Not [00:05:00] just Veteran's Day, but any day, it's always nice to thank a service member. If you see one in uniform or one, you know, probably wearing a retired hat, just say, thank you for your service. We really appreciate that.

Dylan: [00:05:14] What is something that you want kids to know about people in the military?

Courtney Davis: [00:05:17] I think a common misconception about the military is that we all get to fly in planes or, uh, participate in combat and that's, that's not true. Um, people were in the military are ordinary folks who just do extraordinary things and a lot of the careers that you can have in the military, you can also have in the civilian world or otherwise, you know, the workforce outside the military.

Dylan: [00:05:42] Well, thank you for your service.

Courtney Davis: [00:05:45] Thank you so much.

Bethany Van Delft: [00:05:47] Thanks for that interview, Dylan. And Courtney, The Ten News thanks you for your service.

[00:05:57] Earlier this month, a group of [00:06:00] loud ferocious carnivorous creatures were let loose in Australia.

[00:06:09] Okay, don't panic. Conservationists released 36 Tasmanian devils, not the cartoon, the actual animal in a sanctuary on the Australian mainland 3000 years after the animals had become extinct there. The project which included Australia's largest Tasmanian devil breeding program took 16 years of work and as part of a bigger plan to reintroduce the animals into the wild. Good luck, little devils.

[00:06:41] And a special shout out goes out to Alexander in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, who also knows a lot about Tasmanian devils. Thanks for sending us a note, Alex. And if any of you want to send us a fun fact or thoughts about the show, email us at [00:07:00] hello@thetennews.com.

[00:07:07] There's no doubt, the coronavirus has complicated the movie landscape. As we reported in our episode from October 27th, many things are still uncertain. Thankfully, there's still plenty to get excited about. That brings us to The Ten News screen report. Today's screen report is all about phase four of the Marvel cinematic universe or MCU as we call it.

[00:07:39] This is so exciting. That includes all of the upcoming series and movies from the Marvel studios that'll be released between now and 2022. Here's a few things we're excited about. And by we, I mean me. Oh my gosh. Number one, Black Widow. Yes. Coronavirus [00:08:00] pushed back the release date of this highly anticipated flick all the way back to spring 2021, but we're still just as excited.

[00:08:08] The movie in the wake of the Captain America, Civil War movie, and we'll see Black Widow as she confronts her past as a former spy and we'll see a performance from David Harbour, AKA hopper on Stranger Things. That's pretty exciting.

Number two, Shane- Chi and the Legend of the 10 Rings. Coronavirus brought filming of Marvel's Kung Fu movie to a halt back in February.

[00:08:41] But according to an Instagram post by Simu Liu, you who portrays Shang-Chi, the movie wrapped shooting in October! This is Marvel's first superhero movie with an Asian lead and nothing was going to stop production on it. There's still no word [00:09:00] on if it will be released direct to home or in theaters, but you can bet MCU fans are excited to see this one either way.

[00:09:07] Number three Moon Night on Disney plus. He may be a lesser known comic book hero than say Black Panther or Spiderman, but there's definitely reason to get excited for this upcoming Disney plus series. It'll start Oscar Isaac, who you may remember as poe dameron in the Star Wars sequel trilogy in the titular role of Moon Night, a character who's drawn comparisons to Batman. And has super powers derived from a Egyptian gods. Yeah, you know, you want to see this one!

[00:09:40] Well, that's our screen report. There's still much more it's coming phase four and there's no guarantee how we're going to see these movies. But one thing's certain, we can't wait, what Marvel release are you most excited for? Let us know.

[00:09:58] It's time for your [00:10:00] trivia question of the day. A Japanese startup recently ran a successful test of what futuristic invention was it a), a teleportation device, b) a flying car or C) an arc reactor.

[00:10:18] Did you guess it? The answer is b! Back in August, a flying car prototype completed a four minute test flight and safely landed in a field in Japan. The company behind it, which is backed by Toyota, says it has plans to make the flying car available to the public in 2023.

[00:10:43] Does that mean you're going to have to have a driver's license and a pilot's license?

[00:10:51] Time's up! That is the end of The Ten for today. You can catch new episodes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Ten News is a [00:11:00] co-production of Small But Mighty Media in collaboration with Next Chapter Podcasts and distributed by iHeart radio. The Ten News writing team is led by Editorial Director, Tracy Crooks with contributions from Steven Tompkins.

[00:11:12] The creative producer is Jenner Pascua. Marketing is led by Jacob Bronstein with social media and web support by Steven Tompkins and Adam Pharr. Editing and sound designed by Pete Musto under the production direction of Jeremiah Tuttle, Executive Producer, Donald Albright and show creator Tracy Leeds Kaplan rounds out the team.

[00:11:33] If you have questions about the show, a story idea, or just a fun fact you want to share email us at hello@thetennews.com and don't forget to subscribe, rate and review The Ten News on Apple podcasts, IHeart Radio, Spotify,  wherever you listen to your podcasts. I'm Bethany Van Delft and thanks for listening to The Ten News.

[00:11:55] Now go check out a picture of a Tasmanian devil, If you've never seen one, they [00:12:00] are the weirdest cutest little things.


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