Ten Things You Need to Know on 6/13/2023 🗞️


The Ten News Season 3: Episode 67

Ten Things You Need to Know

1.🔥 Smoke Smothers the States

2.🌡️ El Nino is Emerging

3. ⚽ Messi Makes the Move to Miami

4. 🥽 Apple Announces New Product

5. 🏔️ Missing in the Mountains

6. 💙💛 Ukraine Update

7. 🐻 A Bear-y Unusual Passenger

8. 🐊 Rare Reptile Reproduction

9. 📄 Trump in Trouble

10. 🎓 Greta Thunberg Graduates High School

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Ryan Willard  00:00

Good gravy! This week has been madness, Pamela. The first president was indicted on federal crimes. One of the best soccer players ever is coming to the US. And did you see the video of wildfire smoke in New York?

Pamela Kirkland  00:12

I did, Ryan. This week has been full of big news. 

Ryan Willard  00:17

Definitely, let's get into it.

Pamela Kirkland  00:19

I'm Pamela Kirkland.

Ryan Willard  00:20

And I'm Ryan Willard. It's Tuesday, June 13th.

Pamela Kirkland  00:23

This is The Ten News.

Ryan Willard  00:25

Here are Ten Things You Need to Know.

Pamela Kirkland  00:33

Let's get started with a follow up story from last week. We reported on the widespread wildfires in Canada, which burned so far and so fast that the smoke blanketed parts of the US. Last week, cities on the East Coast, including Philadelphia, New York and Washington DC faced their worst air quality in decades, air pollution levels were nearly double the worst wildfire smoke on record in the Pacific Northwest flights were canceled. Broadway shows were closed and residents were encouraged to stay inside. But even indoors air pollution levels reached dangerous highs. Experts have said climate change is behind the wildfires and that air pollution could become a regular occurrence on the usually smoke free east coast. Check out the link in our show notes for a time lapse video of the wildfire smoke rolling across the East Coast.

Ryan Willard  01:35

And amid this wildfire crisis, top climate scientists have confirmed that the world is entering an El Nino warming period. What does that mean? El Nino is a regularly occurring weather event in the Pacific. It affects weather worldwide making the southern US Rainier weakening India's monsoon season and causing drought in Australia. Scientists say following this El Nino the planet could reach its hottest temperature yet. They weren't it's possible we will pass 1.5 degrees Celsius the temperature increase that marks the threshold for irreversible global warming. Now on to exciting news for soccer fans. Lionel Messi is an Argentine soccer player who has won seven belonged to or awards an award for being the best soccer player in the world. And he just announced he is coming to the US now way. Messi signed with Florida soccer team inter Miami and said that after winning the World Cup last December with Argentina he wanted to play in the US soccer fans could see Messi on the pitch for Miami as early as July.

Pamela Kirkland  02:46

In tech news, Apple announced its new mixed reality headset, the vision pro priced at an eye watering $3,500. It won't be available to buy until 2024. But Apple allowed testers to try the headset at a conference where it received rave reviews. With advanced audio and video technology. The headset allows users to watch movies, play games and take FaceTime calls while also being free to interact with the real space you're in thanks to clearly projected images of your actual surroundings. Apple's answer to Metis quest and quest Pro has finally arrived next year that is cool. And a 10 year old girl survived a freezing cold night lost in the Cascade Mountains outside Seattle. 100 volunteers joined her family and searching for shunga Mosh Wani, who arrived in the US from Afghanistan two years ago. She was found the next day near a river unhurt. Rescuers praised her for her toughness ready to go. We'll be right back with animal news and an update on Ukraine after this message for the grownups.

Ryan Willard  04:00

Time for an update on the war in Ukraine. Last week, a dam important to both Ukraine and Russia was destroyed causing massive flooding. Historically, Russia has used similar tactics in the past blowing up dams to slow enemy progress. Ukrainian sources have said the Russian army is shelling people evacuating from the flood zones and Russia says Ukraine is doing the shelling. Ukrainian forces use drones to airdrop water bottles and supplies to flood victims awaiting rescue. The dams destruction could slow Ukraine's planned counter offensive while cutting off Russia's water supply in Crimea.

Pamela Kirkland  04:42

The effects of the war in Ukraine will likely be seen for many years.

Ryan Willard  04:47

Unfortunately, I think that's true. Pamela, let's lighten the mood with some animal news.

Pamela Kirkland  04:51

First up in Colorado, a hungry bear managed to get stuck in a car In the car owner had dog food in the car. Bears have an amazing sense of smell and one little brown bear followed his nose to the car. Bears are pretty smart, and this bear opened the car door and climbed in to have a feast. Unfortunately, the bear locked himself in the car until wildfire officials arrived and freed him.

Ryan Willard  05:25

No judgment to that bear. The same thing happened to me last week.

Pamela Kirkland  05:28

Ryan, do you have any idea what parthenogenesis is? 

Ryan Willard  05:33

Nope, that sounds illegal.

Pamela Kirkland  05:35

It's not a crime but good guess it's when an animal reproduces asexually. So, a female makes offspring without needing a male's genetic information. It happens fairly often in plants and insects and was observed for the first time ever in crocodiles. Since crocodiles are some of the oldest species on Earth, this gives scientists new insight and suggests that dinosaurs may also have been capable of parthenogenesis, something the 1993 movie Jurassic Park predicted.

Ryan Willard  06:09

Oh, yeah, I remember that part when Dr. Alan Grant is like life found a way. Former President Donald Trump is in court in Miami this Tuesday June 13th, facing 37 criminal charges for keeping classified documents. The former president says he declassified the documents but he is being charged under the Espionage Act which is used when officials are careless with documents that concern national security. If convicted, Trump could be jailed for up to 10 years. These charges are separate from the case brought against him by New York prosecutors.

Pamela Kirkland  06:46

Activist Greta Thunberg just graduated from high school and announced she will no longer participate in Friday school strikes, but will continue to protest climate change. Greta Thun Berg goes to high school in Sweden where most students graduate at 19 Greta is 20. She's graduating a year late because she took a year off to lead climate protests. She started her school strike Friday's for the future in Stockholm in 2018 and has since become one of the most widely recognized climate activists in the world. 10 new snaps to Greta and the graduating class of 2023. That was Ten Things You Need to Know.

Ryan Willard  07:30

Check out tomorrow's episode where we'll break down the new rules of baseball.

Pamela Kirkland  07:34

I'm Pamela Kirkland.

Ryan Willard  07:36

And I'm Ryan Willard. Thanks for listening to The Ten News.


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