Ten Things You Need to Know on 5/15/2023 ๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ


The Ten News Season 3: Episode 59

Ten Things You Need to Know ๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ

1. ๐ŸŽต Eurovision Extravaganza

2. ๐Ÿ˜ง Trouble Trails as Title 42 Ends

3. ๐Ÿ’ธ Inflation is Deflating

4. ๐Ÿ Some Pre-pasta-rous Littering News

5. ๐Ÿ›ถ A Canoeing Cat

6. ๐Ÿฆค Further Studies on our Feathery Friends

7. ๐Ÿงญ A Wisconsinite Lost in the Woods

8. ๐Ÿ‘ถ Heroic & Newly Hired

9. ๐Ÿฅฉ A Huge Mi-steak

10. โ›น๏ธ College Basketball's Newest Dynamic Duo

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Ryan Willard  00:08

Cha, Cha-cha, Cha, Cha, Cha, Cha!

Pamela Kirkland  00:11

Ryan, what are you wearing? Is that a shirt? It looks like sleeves only.

Ryan Willard  00:19

Itโ€™s fashion, Pamela. Didn't you watch Eurovision? This is exactly the same shirt that the guy from Finland wore.

Pamela Kirkland  00:26

Oh, right. Well, it's quite a look. I'm Pamela Kirkland.

Ryan Willard  00:33

And I'm Ryan, Cha, Cha-cha, Cha, Cha, Cha, Cha, Willard. It's Tuesday, May 16th.

Pamela Kirkland  00:37

This is The Ten News.

Ryan Willard  00:39

Here are Ten Things You Need to Know.

Pamela Kirkland  00:51

Over the weekend, one of the world's biggest song contests took place, Eurovision. Eurovision is a European song contest that started in the 1950s and was one of the first live television events broadcast throughout Europe. In 2022, Ukraine won the Eurovision Song Contest, and usually, the winning country hosts the next year. But because of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the UK volunteered to host dozens of musical acts met up in Liverpool, the home of The Beatles for this friendly song competition. The Grand Finale was Saturday, May 13th, and voters chose Sweden as the winner, Sweden singer Laureen is the first woman to win Eurovision twice. She first won 11 years ago in 2012, the Princess of Wales Princess Kate made a surprise appearance, playing piano with last year's Eurovision winners from Ukraine. The public vote went to Ryan's favorite Finland cha cha cha. In other international news, a big change to US immigration laws could cause problems at the southern border Title 42 was a controversial border rule that the Trump administration put into effect in 2020. The rule said that because of Covid, the US could send away anyone trying to enter the US across the Mexico border, including people seeking asylum, Title 42 ended on Thursday, May 11th. And now record numbers of migrants are entering the US. Some reports say tens of thousands people have crossed the border, and the towns and cities along the border in Texas are struggling to accommodate them all.

Ryan Willard  02:44

Some good news on the US economy, inflation has finally slowed and dropped below 5% for the first time in two years. Inflation refers to how fast prices rise and it peaked last June at 9%. That's when eggs went from $3 to $6. 

Pamela Kirkland  03:02

I remember that. So this is good news, right?

Ryan Willard  03:05

Oh, it's absolutely good news. But we have a long way to go to reach what the Federal Reserve considers healthy inflation, which is just 2% Inflation is one of the reasons why the Federal Reserve keeps raising interest rates. Those are the rates that impact home loans and car loans, hopefully slowing down inflation along with low unemployment points to a stronger US economy in the near future. And holy macaroni a mystery is cooking an old bridge New Jersey 500 pounds of pasta were dumped in the woods local say they know the identity of the spaghetti spiller but are keeping quiet about it. It was mission impossible for the public works department that managed the cleanup. Residents say this highlights a bigger problem. Old Bridge doesn't have a sanitation service. So people have taken a dumping of bulk trash in the woods around town. Although this was the first known noodle drop.

Pamela Kirkland  03:59

Whoa. In animal news, have you ever wanted to take your cat canoeing? One kitty from the UK has become a sailing sensation. Tilly is a calico cat who followed her owner Holly into a canoe two years ago and has been cruising the water ever since. Passing boaters love to see Tilly canoeing around wearing her harness for safety. We'll be back with more headlines after a short break. Here's a quick note for the grownups. Now, back to the news. I bet your grownups hate it when a bird poops on your car. But scientists are super excited about the things they could learn from guano. That's a fancy word for bird poop. Yuck. Scientists recently published a study about Condor poop in a condor nest in Argentina, which condors have been using for 2000 years, scientists took a slice from a time 10-foot round doughnut of poo to study how birdsโ€™ diets had changed, and they could tell when there was volcanic activity in the air from sulfur in the guano. And they could tell when humans were hunting with lead bullets because of an increase in lead excrement. condors are a threatened species with only around 6700 living in the wild. So everything the scientists learned will help protect condors and their habitat. No matter how poopy it may be.

Ryan Willard  05:33

Honestly, I am still in awe that I just heard Pamela Kirkland say donut of poo. What would you say if you were suddenly lost in the woods? One eight-year-old kid had to answer that very question. Nante Nemai managed to survive two days in the Michigan wilderness by eating snow. The second grader from Hurley, Wisconsin wandered from his family's campsite and got lost in Michigan's Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park. He stayed warm under a law covered in branches and leaves and ate snow to stay hydrated. After two days rescuers found him his friends and family say they are believed. In other amazing news, a man dashed out of a job interview to save a baby in a runaway stroller. The stroller was pushed by the wind and the baby's Great Aunt tried to chase it but fell. Ron Nessman was interviewing at Applebee's and spotted the baby about to roll into traffic. He ran to stop the stroller and saved the baby. Oh, and you better believe he got the job to go.

Pamela Kirkland  06:34

Congrats to Ron on his new job. But you know who shouldn't be working in meatpacking plants? Kids under 14. A sanitation company in Nebraska has been fined $1.5 million after a Department of Labor audit found they hired more than 100 Miners Packer sanitation services is a company that works with 725 meatpacking plants. They're contracted to clean slaughterhouses with chemical cleaners. Teachers notice kids as young as 13 falling asleep in class. One student even came to school with acid burns from her cleaning work. Many of the students who were hired by the sanitation company are undocumented migrants, and it appears that hiring undocumented kids was company policy. That's unbelievable. According to the Labor Department, illegal Child Labor has risen by almost 70% in the last five years.

Ryan Willard  07:33

Wow. That is a huge increase. And kids working with dangerous chemical cleaners is definitely not cool. Let's switch gears because there's big news in college basketball. Imagine a team basketball player whose dad was an NBA legend and he teamed up with the son of another legendary NBA player to form potentially the greatest college basketball team of all time. We'll wake up because it's not a dream. The sons of basketball greats Dennis Rodman and LeBron James are set to play college ball together for the University of Southern California. Next yearโ€™s March Madness is gonna pop off.

Pamela Kirkland  08:12

That was Ten Things You Need to Know.

Ryan Willard  08:14

Check out tomorrow's episode of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Preview.

Pamela Kirkland  08:18

I'm Pamela Kirkland.

Ryan Willard  08:20

And I'm Ryan Willard. Thanks for listening to The Ten News.


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