MLB Opening Day with Mets Player Mike Montgomery ⚾


Season 2: Episode 96 Description

In today's episode: ⚾ Kid Takeover Alert! MLB Opening Day is here and kid host Luca is taking over the show! 🧢 Ten News Correspondent Ryan Willard puts Major League Baseball star Mike Montgomery on the hot seat for some "Serious and Not So Serious" questions. ✔️ Fun Fact Check: Did you know there was once an All American Girls Professional Baseball League? And, test your baseball history knowledge on today's Trivia on the Ten. ✅


12ft | 10 Fun Facts About The All-American Girls Professional Baseball League | WBEZ Chicago

Longest Games in Baseball History (


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Ryan Willard  0:03  

Take Me Out to the Ballgame. Take me out to the crowd. 

Ten'er  0:07  

Hey, Ryan. 

Ryan Willard  0:09  

Kap. Tracy Kaplan. There's a hobbit in the studio. 

Tracy Kaplan  0:13  

What? Oh, no. Ryan. That's a Ten'err. A young human, Ten'er. Oh, really?

Ten'er  0:20  

Yeah. I'm Luca. I'm doing the kid takeover today to talk about baseball opening day, remember?

Ryan Willard  0:25  

Oh, yeah. I knew that. So, what are you waiting for, dude? Let's go.

Ten'er  0:31  

What's up, Ten'ers? Luca Palermo here and today I'm doing a kid takeover. It's Thursday, April 7th, and this is the Ten News.

Tracy Kaplan  0:38  

He's really good, Ryan. 

Ryan Willard  0:39  

Yeah. Really, really good Kap.

Various Voices  0:44  

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Ten'er  0:54  

The real sign that summer is coming is the opening day of Major League Baseball. Did you ever wonder what it's like to be a professional baseball player? The Ten News head writer Ryan Willard sat down with major league baseball star Mike Montgomery and Ryan had some serious and not so serious questions for him.

Ryan Willard  1:17  

Alright, now we're going to do some serious and not so serious questions with Mike Montgomery. Mike, are you ready for this? 

Mike Montgomery  1:24  

I'm ready. 

Ryan Willard  1:25  

Fair warning. If you get any of these questions wrong, I will send you a six pound bag of glitter on your next birthday. Do you understand?

Mike Montgomery  1:33  

I fully understand. 

Ryan Willard  1:35  

Alright. Question number one. Do you prefer puppies or kittens? 

Mike Montgomery  1:45  


Ryan Willard  1:46  

Question number two. How dare you?

Mike Montgomery  1:49  

They're just so cute. Okay, can't you love puppies?

Ryan Willard  1:52  

It's true. Everyone loves puppies. Kittens are great, too. Plain pizza, or pepperoni pizza? 

Mike Montgomery  2:01  


Ryan Willard  2:02  

Would you rather fight a bear or a shark? 

Mike Montgomery  2:06  

Bear, because it least on land, you might have a chance to win but in water, you got no chance.

Ryan Willard  2:16  

Okay. What's a baseball superstition that you have?

Mike Montgomery  2:19  

I always run out of the dugout the same exact way. Every time.

Ryan Willard  2:24  

What do you do when you run out?

Mike Montgomery  2:26  

Like I just do a little. I do one hop and I hit my left leg. And I do that every single time I run out of the dugout. I don't know if it works, but I'm not changing to know.

Ryan Willard  2:36  

What's the greatest video game of all time and your favorite video game right now.

Mike Montgomery  2:41  

You know, I'm gonna go with the original Halo for all time playing you know, split screens at friends’ houses and when I'm in you know, sixth seventh grade. The eighth grade that was some really good memories and my favorite game right now is rocket li for sure. fun game to watch fun game to play.

Ryan Willard  3:03  

If you could have any superpower. What would it be and why?

Mike Montgomery  3:07  

Honestly, teleportation? Flying is great. But I can instantly get there. But teleportation and you know you don't have to worry about planes and birds and whatever you might run into a fly and so on teleportation.

Ryan Willard  3:23  

Excellent answer. Most people say flying. But teleportation is the actual correct answer for exactly what they just said. You're getting bonus points for that. Like, there you go. What is the coolest place in the world? You've been?

Mike Montgomery  3:35  

Well, coolest place. I feel like that I have been is probably either Hawaii or the Cayman Islands. I think one of those two are the Cayman Islands.

Ryan Willard  3:49  

Would you rather cry uncontrollably every time you fart or fart uncontrollably every time you laugh.

Mike Montgomery  4:00  

Fart uncontrollably every time I laugh

Ryan Willard  4:02  

That is disgusting. Sorry. Okay. Second to last question. Do you have any hidden talents?

Mike Montgomery  4:10  

Um, I do have some pretty good musical background. I played piano five years when I was a kid and I was the kid doing recitals. Members I memorized recitals and Mozart and all that stuff. They used to have it so it's in there somewhere. Being good at video games sometimes. I guess that would be in there too.

Ryan Willard  4:31  

That's of course that's a talent. Question. Yeah.

Mike Montgomery  4:36  

I would say that for sure.

Ryan Willard  4:38  

Okay, do you have a nickname?

Mike Montgomery  4:40  

The standard Monty is what I'm probably most known as in the baseball world online. My name is Monty balls. That's kind of like my, my gamer name. So just shorten for money in baseball.

Ryan Willard  4:55  

Okay, if you had to rename yourself right now, you could not be Mike Montgomery. What would that name be?

Mike Montgomery  5:03  

Maximilian, because I thought that was a really cool name and I kind of named my kid after shorten that for Max. I think that's a cool name.

Ryan Willard  5:11  

Okay, if you had to choose one of these three nicknames that I would give you, which would you choose? Monty Python. Super fast ball thrower, or Captain Monte balls.

Mike Montgomery  5:23  

Captain Monty balls.

Ryan Willard  5:24  

Captain Monty balls. It is.

Mike Montgomery  5:27  

There it is. 

Ten'er  5:28  

Thanks, Ryan. You can hear the full interview with Mike Montgomery this Saturday on the 10 news gets extra. Did you know there was once an All-American girls professional baseball league no way the movie A League of Their Own tells a story of how the Women's National Baseball League started in 1943 when many male baseball players were fighting in World War Two. The Women's League hit its peak popularity in 1948. But after that televised Major League Baseball games led to fewer and fewer fans in the stands bomber, and to quote Tom Hanks there's no crying in baseball.

Ryan Willard  6:20  

Hey, Luca, you want some Cracker Jacks?

Ten'er  6:22  

Sure, but Ryan don't you have to give us the rundown?

Ryan Willard  6:25  

Oh yeah, Ryan Willard here with your rundown. Alexis Scrappy Hopkins became the first woman to be drafted by the professional baseball team. Hopkins is a catcher and was the eighth pick in the draft by the Kentucky Wild Health genomes of the Atlantic League. The Atlantic League is a professional baseball league and an official MLB partner league based in the US is South East region. America's oldest active National Park Ranger has retired Betty Reid Soskin aka Ranger Betty turned 100 years old last September and watched over the Rosie riveter World War Two Homefront National Historical Park in Richmond, California. Ranger Betty started working as a ranger when she was 84 years old, was named California Woman of the Year in 1995. And now has a middle school named after her and El Sobrante. Ranger Betty, you will be missed. Thank you very much. Filipinos had their biggest night ever at the Grammys. The Music Awards were last week and a record amount of Filipinos were nominated and one ATR one best traditional r&b performance. Olivia Rodrigo, one Best New Artist Best Pop Solo Performance and Best Pop Vocal Album. And last but certainly not least, Silk Sonic which is Bruno Mars and Anderson Paak. Wne all four categories they were nominated for, including Best r&b Performance, Best r&b Song, Song of the Year and Record of the Year. I gotta say, as a Filipino myself, it is so cool to see so many Filipino artists representing back to you, Luca.

Ten'er  8:06  

Now you've got all the baseball news time for a baseball history question. A baseball game is usually nine innings long and takes about three hours. But what is the highest number of innings a pro baseball game ever went? Was it a) 13? b) 20 Or c) 26? Did you guess it? The answer is C. If teams are tied, they go into extra innings. And the longest game by innings was Brooklyn versus Boston in 1920. The teams played 26 innings before it got too dark to keep playing. And that's our show. Thank you for letting me take over today. But before we go, here's a quick note for the grownups. Thanks for listening to the Ten News. Now look out for our new episodes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and extras on Saturdays. The Ten News is a coproduction of Small But Mighty Median and Next Chapter Podcasts and is distributed by iHeartRadio. The Ten News creative team is hitting a walk off Grand Slam and includes Tracey Crooks, Pete Musto, Ryan Willard, Adam Barnard and Tessa Flannery. Our production directors Jeremiah Tittle, and our executive producers are Donald Albright and show creator Tracy Leeds Kaplan. I'm Luca and thanks for listening to the Ten ews. And to all my friends, I can't wait for Taco Tuesday. There's no crying in baseball!


Extended Interview with MLB Player Mike Montgomery ⚾


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