The Ten Hits 100 Episodes πŸ’―


Season 2: Episode 99 Description

In this special episode: πŸŽ‰ We're celebrating our πŸ† Webby Award Nomination AND our πŸ’― 100th episode! 🩺 Dr. Anthony Fauci joined The Ten News to answer kids' questions and that episode is now nominated for a Webby Award.⁠🎧 Listen in for a behind-the-scenes look at how we put that show together. πŸ€” Ever wonder what it's like to be a sound editor on a podcast? πŸ”Š Sound genius Pete Musto shares his favorite "ding." β πŸ’™πŸ’š Enjoy this BTS look and help us win the Webby by voting for The Ten News!


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Ryan Willard  0:00  

Happy 100th to you, happy 100th to you, happy 100th episode of The Ten New Season Two. Let's go!

Bethany Van Delft  0:10  

Yes, thank you, Ryan. I cannot believe it's our 100th episode of Season 2, oh my goodness, my head is spinning that we got nominated for a Webby Award. It's the leading international award honoring excellence on the internet!

Ryan Willard  0:26  

Oh, yeah. The New York Times called it the internet's highest honor. Wait, can you remind us how to vote again? I need to do that.

Bethany Van Delft  0:33  

Of course. Grownups can click on the link in our show notes and go to our website, for the link to the website. Voting closes on April 21st. So get your votes in!

Ryan Willard  0:46  

Nice, I'm on it. Hey, what if we go behind the scenes today for the episode that was nominated for it?

Bethany Van Delft  0:53  

We've never gone behind the scenes. Let's do it. I'm Bethany Van Delft. It's Friday, April 15th. And this is the Ten News Behind the Scenes.

Various Voices  1:01  

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Bethany Van Delft  1:11  

We were nominated for a Webby Award for Our Town Hall with Dr. Anthony Fauci. For the scoop behind it, let's hear from our editorial director Tracey Crooks, and our show creator Tracy Leeds Kaplan, which is a whole lot of Tracy. So, let's call them Crooks and Kaplan. Hey, Crooks. Hey Kaplan. How about giving us five fascinating facts behind the Fauci episode.

Tracey Crooks  1:32  

Hi, Bethany. 

Tracy Leeds Kaplan  1:33  

Hi, we absolutely can.

Tracey Crooks  1:36  

Number one, Dr. Fauci was excited about being on the show and quickly gave us time in his schedule. But we were nervous since he could have been called away to the White House at any minute. Wow.

Tracy Kaplan  1:49  

Number two, Ten'ers from all over the US sent in questions for Dr. Fauci that ranged from, "will the shot hurt?", to "do you like cats or dogs?"

Dr. Fauci  1:58  

Dog, all the way.

Tracey Crooks  2:03  

Number three, this was our first kid’s town hall and we spent a lot of time getting the audio, right. We had so many tenors with great questions and got lots of great info from Dr. Fauci way more than would actually fit into the show. So we had to figure out how to cut his answers down.

Pete Musto  2:23  

Hi, Ten'ers, it's Pete Musto, the editor here at the Ten News. And I'm cutting in to tell you the real number three. This episode took a lot of time, like hours, hours, and hours and hours to put this together. They knew that this was an important episode. And Crookes and Kaplan made sure it was perfect. I had to cut so many different versions of the episode. It was just chopped, chop, chop, chop. I was like an angry lumberjack who didn't have breakfast chop, chop, chop, chop!

Tracy Kaplan  2:56  

Thank you, Pete. Let's get back to it. Number four, like most things nowadays, everything was recorded virtually. Dr. Fauci was in Washington, DC at his office at the NIH, the National Institutes of Health.

Tracey Crooks  3:12  

Nice. Number five, even the most professional podcasters get really excited sometimes. Right after we finished, Tracy let out a big cheer thinking the microphones were turned off, but Dr. Fauci heard it and laughed. 

Tracy Kaplan  3:26  

Yeah, I was so embarrassed. Was that a scream of joy? Yes, it was.

Bethany Van Delft  3:49  

Wow, so much work went into this episode, and really every episode. Thanks for your insight, Tracy and Tracey. I think you two should start your own detective agency together. Crooks & Kaplan. That sounds fierce. Also, the biggest shout out to our amazing team who you don't hear on the podcast every day, but they're doing all sorts of hard work behind the scenes to make it happen.

Pete Musto  4:25  

Hi, it's Pete again, I'm back to tell you that I was not joking about how hard I worked. In the episode, there was a "ding" we used every time a tenner asked a question. I had to play like 47,000 dings before Tracy approved it. Listen. Okay, Tracy, how about this one? No, this one? No. What about this one? This? Wait. Yeah, no, absolutely not. And it went on and on and on. No, no. No way. How could you even suggest a thing like that? Pete? That sounds like a sad doorbell. No, wait, play that one again. Yeah, that's the one. That's the one. Yep. Great job. That was easy. Thanks, Pete. And that is how I started to go bald. My hair growing back, though, I think back to you, Bethany.

Bethany Van Delft  5:27  

Well, I'm glad it's grown back. And thank you for your amazing work, Pete. And of course, this episode could not have happened without our tenors. So we want to give Ten News snaps to all our listeners who submitted questions for Dr. Fauci, Miles Kieran, Hazel Owen, Edwin Summer, Olivia Sheen, Nola Ariana, Harper, Jana, Cleo, Sasha Rowan, Maggie, and Emerson. And of course, some big Ten News snaps to Dr. Anthony Fauci for joining us on the show. Thank you very much. And now...

Various Voices  6:01  

What, what, what's the big idea? 

Bethany Van Delft  6:04  

Trivia on the Ten. In the episode, Dr. Fauci talked about Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett who was part of the team that made the Maderna vaccine. What is Dr. Corbett's nickname on the team? Is it a) Corby, ) Dr. Beat Brain, or c) Kizzy? Did you guess it? The answer is c.  Kizzy. Huge shout out to Dr. Kizzy and all of the wonderful humans who worked hard to develop the vaccine to better protect us and help us get back to normal. Excellent. That's all for the Ten News behind the scenes. We hope you enjoyed our 100th episode. And just a reminder, please vote for us to win a Webby you can click on the link in our show notes. Or you can go to our website, for the link to the website. Voting closes on April 21st. And we could really use your help. Thanks for listening to the Ten News. Look out for our new episodes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and extras on Saturdays. The Ten News is a coproduction of Small But Mighty Media and Next Chapter Podcasts and is distributed by iHeartRadio. The 10 News creative team is voting for the Webby Awards and includes Tracey Crooks, Pete Musto, Ryan Willard Adam Barnard, and Tessa Flannery. Our production director is Jeremiah Tittle and our executive producers are Donald Albright and show creator Tracy Leeds Kaplan. This is Bethany Van Delft and thanks for listening to the Ten News. Webby, Webby, Webby, Webby! We're so excited!


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