Heroes in Ukraine 💛💙


Season 2: Episode 112 Description

In today's episode: 💛 We've got updates on the amazing people and organizations bringing aid to Ukrainians in the ongoing war. 🤗 Many Ten'ers have written to us asking how they can help Ukraine and we are highlighting World Chef and their May 11th Chefs for Unity challenge! ✔️ Fun Fact Check: Before rubber erasers, children used this food to erase pencil marks. And, test your animal knowledge on today's Trivia on the Ten. ✅


Situation Ukraine Refugee Situation (unhcr.org)

3 stories of how strangers are helping Ukrainian refugees | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)

2022 Ukrainian Refugee Crisis – Ukrainian Women Rebuild in Poland (elle.com)

Russia-Ukraine war: Bay Area woman and world champion sled dog racer Igor Tracz evacuate Ukrainian dogs - ABC7 San Francisco (abc7news.com)

Angelina Jolie visits Ukraine, meets refugees and volunteers : NPR

Interesting Facts about Bread with Statistics (historyofbread.com)

Wildlife in Ukraine - Types of Ukrainian Animals - AZ Animals (a-z-animals.com)


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Sound Bit  0:00  

As the wide plains of eastern Ukraine are now the site of a pitched battle between Ukrainian and Russian forces. President Biden is pledging another $150 million in military assistance to the country. At the same time, First Lady Jill Biden is in Eastern Europe showing her support for Ukraine.

Bethany Van Delft  0:18  

The war in Ukraine is still happening. Are you wondering what we can do? Today, we've got updates on the people and organizations bringing aid to Ukrainians, plus a way you can help. I'm Bethany Van Delft. It's Tuesday, May 10th. And this is the Ten News. 

Sound Bit  0:36  

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Bethany Van Delft  0:44  

More than 5 million people so far have fled Ukraine since the Russian invasion earlier this year. We're hearing a lot of bad news about Ukraine, but there are people in organizations that are helping we want to give Ten News snaps to the heroes bringing aid to Ukraine. Many people in surrounding countries have taken in Ukrainian refugees and one German man and his daughter went above and beyond driving over 600 miles to bring supplies and even bringing a Ukrainian family back to the safety of Germany. Way to go. Most Ukrainian refugees are women and children and the majority of Ukrainian refugees have fled to Poland. The Polish organization Pontus has been helping Ukrainian refugee women and children find new jobs, new schools, and safe housing. Pets are also affected by the war in Ukraine and polish dog sled racer, Igor Trax, stepped in to bring supplies to animal shelters to evacuate people's pets. So far, he's helped save over 250 dogs and cats. Yes. And Chef Jose Andres and his organization, World Central Kitchen have been cooking and serving food in Ukraine, as well as delivering much-needed food supplies. That's incredible. Ten News snaps to all the people in organizations helping in Ukraine. Thank you very much. So, many Ten'ers have written to ask us how they can help Ukraine and we have something for you to do. Earlier I mentioned the World Central Kitchen, well, the organization World Chef has created a new challenge to help raise money for their efforts in Ukraine, and a bunch of famous chefs from all over the world is joining for a special day of unity. Leading the challenge is Dominique Crenn. The only female, 3-starred, Michelin chef in the US who has shared her bread recipe. Our show creator Tracy Leeds Kaplan got some help from Mike Duffy, the CEO of Rural Chef, to talk about the date and to learn how to make Dominique's special bread.

Tracy Kaplan  2:50  

So today, I'm joined by Mike Duffy, who is the CEO of world Chef Mike, so great to have you here today.

Mike Duffy  2:58  

My pleasure, happy to be here, and hello to all the Ten'ers out there.

Tracy Kaplan  3:01  

I know that you're doing this great initiative with baking bread, which we're going to get into and talk a lot about that. But while we're here, I'm actually going to work on the recipe. So you know, we want to make sure your clothes stay nice and clean. So here, here's this apron put this on.

Mike Duffy  3:16  

Thank you very much. Can I wear this chef hat too, please?

Tracy Kaplan  3:19  

Yes, yes, absolutely. Because you know, when I get going, flour gets everywhere butter gets on the ceiling. So Mike, tell us who you are. And what's your organization?

Mike Duffy  3:29  

Sure. So yes, I'm the founder of World Chef, which is at myworldchef.com. And, think of us as like the next generation Food Network built for food lovers out there who want to actually buy the food that they see on their favorite food shows. And I am a dad to an 11-year-old and an 8- year-old who are big, big fans of the show.

Tracy Kaplan  3:52  

Oh, that's great. And how much do you cook with them?

Mike Duffy  3:54  

We cook a lot actually, in fact, we're doing World Chef together, we're the test family for all of the World Chef meal kits that be that are put out there. And every single meal kit I bring home, I cook it with my two daughters, you know, and frankly, we look at it I'm not the best cook in the world. So you know, cooking with my daughters and my wife and myself. We're the perfect test family because we want to make it really easy for everybody at home. And it's super fun. And it has allowed us to you know, start to cook together in ways that we never did before. And then the best part of the course, which is eating it.

Tracy Kaplan  4:30  

Okay, so can you tell our Ten'ers what I'm baking today? What's going on?

Mike Duffy  4:35  

Yes, absolutely. So the thing that we're baking together today Tracy is called Unity bread. And unity bread was created by America's first female, 3-starred, Michelin chef, her name is Dominique Crenn. She's actually French and she's amazing. And she has a restaurant called Atelier Crenn up in San Francisco that won three Michelin stars which is you know, it's like winning three Oscars all at the same time. So, chef Dominique Crenn called me and said, I want to raise money for Ukraine. And I want to do it with some of the world's best chefs. You know, what can we do? And I said to Chef, first of all, it's an honor to be called to help you with this, of course, we're going to jump in and help out wherever we can. So we decided to sort of brainstorm some ideas. And one of the ideas that came up was, what if we did a unity bread pledge. And the idea is that we put out on social media, a pledge where chefs all over the world basically are just breaking bread, and they say, I stand for unity on May 11. I'm going to join chef Dominique Crenn, and some of the world's best chefs to raise money for Ukrainian relief. Through world central kitchen. We've seen everybody from you know, the World of food culture join in Padma Lakshmi, who's one of the hosts of Top Chef Andrew Zimmern from Food Network, Brooke Williamson, on and on, and on and on, some of the best chefs have jumped in, and they break bread on camera, and they make the pledge. And that's how we're spreading awareness. So this has been going on since April 11. And it's all as a sort of campaign leading up to May 11, to bring awareness to the live event happening on Buzzfeed. Tasty. So you know, here's the thing, you can look for us at my world chef.com You can go to Facebook Live on the BuzzFeed Tasty channels, and you can go to YouTube Live as well. And you can find us on social media as well. So we're all over the place. And you're going to see all sorts of famous chefs, amazing celebrities, and real people just like us, really taking a moment to celebrate each other. And the idea of togetherness, through unity bread all to benefit World Central Kitchen and Jose Andres, and the people in Ukraine who need our help.

Tracy Kaplan  6:57  

That's right. Okay, this is my practice bread. 

Mike Duffy  6:59  

Absolutely. But, you do have to fold the bread. So let's go ahead and keep kneading it.

Tracy Kaplan  7:04  

Any little tips to make sure it comes out right?

Mike Duffy  7:07  

Absolutely. So you know, in addition to the good intentions that you're pouring in as your favorite ingredient, one of the things about this bread is that it is a really simple bread recipe. And it is meant to be cooked, you know, with your family, so everybody can participate. And you know, each member of the family should take some turns rolling the dough, really getting your hands in there and folding the dough over and over again, because that brings air into it and it makes it lighter. The really cool part about this bread is it actually takes about three hours total. But most of that time, you're just putting it on the side and letting it rise. That's called proofing. And what happens is the yeast inside the bread itself, start there's a chemical reaction that happens and it starts to make the bread dough rise. And so as you take it out, you're going to do that three times and you're going to take it out and you're going to need it some more. You're going to fold it somewhere you're going to kind of put it back into a bowl, cover it with a paper towel or you know a towel from your kitchen. And just let it rest there for like 30 minutes at a time. And it will do all of its magic. So it's ready for you when you need to take it back out.

Tracy Kaplan  8:14  

Wonderful. Thank you so much. Mike, we'll be tuning in.

Mike Duffy  8:17  

Thank you so much. It's such an honor to be on the show. I'm a big fan. Thank you, Tracy.

Bethany Van Delft  8:21  

Do you want to make your very own bread, Ten'ers, and join in on the day of unity for Ukraine? I knew you would! Talk to a grown-up check the show notes for the recipe and bake some bread with us! Tessa, I bet you got some pretty cool bread-related facts.

Tessa Flannery  8:43  

Bethany, this bread fact is going to blow your mind. Before rubber erasers, do you know what kids used to erase pencil marks with? A rolled-up piece of bread.

Bethany Van Delft  8:53  

Wow, that's cool. Bread is both delicious and useful. That's what I'm talking about. And now, here to give us the news rundown is our head writer Ryan Willard.

Ryan Willard  9:11  

Thank you very much, Bethany. We've got big news from the White House. Corinne John Pierre will take over as White House Press Secretary. The press secretary is the main spokesperson for the President to the press and jump here will be the first black and openly gay person to fill the role in US history. John Pierre immigrated to the US with her parents when she was five worked for former President Obama and was a former teacher at Columbia University. That's great the news from the White House. The Biden administration announced on Monday that 20 Internet companies have agreed to provide discounted services for low-income households in the US. This commitment from internet providers would make about 48 million households eligible for $30 high-speed internet nice and now to the depths of the ocean. A rare deep-sea Dragonfish has been spotted off the California coast. Marine biologists were excited to spot the fish as they've been attempting to track down the dragon fish which has only been spotted four times in the last three decades. Marine biologists were excited to spot the fish as they've been attempting to track down the dragon fish which has only been spotted four times in the last three decades. The Highfin Dragonfish, also known as the Bathophilus Flemingi was seen on video by a team of researchers in Monterey, California, and can grow up to 16.5 centimeters in length. I'm Ryan Willard, and that is your rundown. Back to you, Bethany.

Bethany Van Delft  10:39  

Coming up next... 

Sound Bit  10:40  

What, what, what's the big idea?

Bethany Van Delft  10:44  

Trivia on the Ten. So, you know how the United States national symbol is a bald eagle? Well, the national animal of Ukraine is also a bird, but which bird? Is it a) a mockingbird, b) a hummingbird, or c) a nightingale? Did you guess it? The answer is C. The official animal of Ukraine is a nightingale and in Ukraine, these songbirds represent spring and sweet happy sounds. That's our show for today. But before we go, here's a quick note for the grownups. Thanks for listening to the Ten News. Look out for our new episodes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and extras on Saturdays. The Ten News is a coproduction of Small But Mighty Media and Next Chapter Podcasts and is distributed by iHeartRadio. The Ten News creative team is waiting for their dough to rise and includes Tracey Crooks, Pete Musto, Ryan Willard, Adam Barnard, and Tessa Flannery. Special thanks to our guest, Mike Duffy. Our production director is Jeremiah Tittle and our executive producers are Donald Albright and show creator Tracy Leeds Kaplan. I'm Bethany Van Delft and thanks for listening to the Ten News.


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