Going Above & Beyond For What's Right 🤝



🦃 Let's get real about the history of the very first Thanksgiving 🧪 Explore the truth about why you might get sleepy after a big Thanksgiving meal (with correspondents Jacob & Olivia Rosencwaig from the Curious Kid Podcast) 😷 Learn today’s Fun Fact about food-scented face masks 🥍 Hear about what went down with the Iroquois Nationals lacrosse team and The 2022 World Games ❓ See if you can guess the answer to the Trivia Question of the Day: what was included in the very first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade instead of giant balloons?


🦃 Read more about the first Thanksgiving and The Wampanoag Side of the Tale
🧪 Curious whether turkey really makes you sleepy? Read The Truth About Tryptophan
🥓 Are Breathable Bacon face masks really a thing?! Yes.
🥍 See the message from the Iroquois Nationals lacrosse team to the Ireland team
🎧 Listen to correspondents Jacob & Olivia Rosencwaig’s podcast: Curious Kid Podcast
💌 Email us your story ideas at hello@thetennews.com


Bethany Van Delft: [00:00:00] Who was at the first Thanksgiving? Why do big meals make us sleepy? And what were the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade be like without all those giant balloons? I'm Bethany Van Delft, and we'll get into all this and more on today's The Ten News. The show where in the time it takes to turn an outline of your hands into a turkey, we find out what's up in the world.

[00:00:25] Okay, let's get into The Ten News.

[00:00:27] Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, four, three, two, one.

[00:00:35] Lots of people know the Thanksgiving story as a feast between Pilgrims and Native people in celebration of a successful harvest. The real story is a little bit different than that. Long story short, it was a three-day event that included the signing of a treaty between European colonists and the Wampanoag Nation, the original people living on the land the pilgrims called Plymouth Rock, in which both [00:01:00] parties agreed to support and protect each other.

[00:01:02] This is what we now call the "First Thanksgiving." And though to many Thanksgiving day has come to represent the spirit of gratitude, friendship, and sharing that defines the holiday, it's important that we acknowledge the tremendous harm caused to indigenous peoples by European colonists when they met, and over the next several hundred years. To many, it's a painful reminder of the loss of Native American lives and lands.

[00:01:32] So however you are celebrating this Thanksgiving, take a moment to honor the Wampanoag and the indigenous peoples of this land present and past. And let's continue to hold dear those things that can and do unite us - friendship, sharing, and gratitude.

[00:01:56] Have you noticed that sometimes after you eat a really, [00:02:00] really big meal, you get really, really sleepy? With Thanksgiving just a couple of days away, we asked friends of The Ten, Jacob and Olivia Rozencwaig of the Curious Kid podcast to help us understand why.

Jacob Rozencwaig: [00:02:15] Gobble gobble everybody. It's just about time for one of my favorite holidays of the year.

What could be better than family, football, and lots and lots and lots and lots of food?

Olivia Rozencwaig: [00:02:27] Its a shame that you usually don't stay awake long enough to enjoy the third football game.

Jacob Rozencwaig: [00:02:36] I know. And this year, that third game between the Ravens and Steelers should be fantastic, so I don't want to miss it.

Olivia Rozencwaig: [00:02:44] But there's nothing you could do because the tryptophan and your Thanksgiving Turkey, we'll put you right to sleep.

Jacob Rozencwaig: [00:02:53] Ah, good old tryptophan. Everyone is a fan of tryptophan, but what is it? And does it really make you [00:03:00] drowsy? Well, tryptophan is an amino acid. And the amino acids come together to make proteins. When tryptophan gets into the bloodstream, it turns into some other cool things like serotonin and melatonin.

Olivia Rozencwaig: [00:03:13] Serotonin can make you feel good and melatonin can make you feel sleepy.

Jacob Rozencwaig: [00:03:18] That's true. In fact, there are medications that people who were feeling sad take that increase the amount of active serotonin in their bodies so they can start to feel better. Not only that, but melatonin is another medication people use to help them get to sleep if they have trouble falling asleep.

Olivia Rozencwaig: [00:03:37] Okay. So we've cracked the case. The tryptophan, and the Turkey is why we are happy and tired after Thanksgiving dinner.

Jacob Rozencwaig: [00:03:46] Not so fast. I mean, everything you just said makes sense, but there is just one problem. Turkey doesn't exactly have a crazy amount of tryptophan in it. In fact, just a cup of roast chicken has more tryptophan than [00:04:00] six ounces of turkey. And you never hear anyone say how tired they are after eating roast chicken. So what gives?

Olivia Rozencwaig: [00:04:08] Scientists say that carbohydrates are more to blame than turkey?

Jacob Rozencwaig: [00:04:12] Not only does eating tons of carbs knock you out, but it also helps more tryptophan fan from the turkey cross into the brain. There are lots of things that factor into the sleepy feeling you get after Thanksgiving dinner. Sure, turkey can play a small role, but the amount of food that is eaten is a factor, so are the various carbs you get in the meal. Even just thinking that Thanksgiving dinner can make you drowsy is more likely to actually make you drowsy.

[00:04:39] So if you need a nap after Thanksgiving dinner this year, pardon the Turkey and turn your suspicions to other foods on your plate.

Olivia Rozencwaig: [00:04:47] We're talking about you stuffing and pumpkin pie.

Jacob Rozencwaig: [00:04:50] Have a happy Thanksgiving.

Bethany Van Delft: [00:04:54] Big thanks to Jacob and Olivia. To learn more from them about all kinds of cool things. [00:05:00] Check out their Curious Kid podcast.

[00:05:08] While we're on the subject of food. Did you know that companies are now making food centered face masks? You serious? Food chain Jack in the Box introduced masks that smell like fried chicken and Hormel makes a scented masks they call it breathable bacon. It doesn't get more 2020 than that. You could layer the fried chicken mask and the bacon mask and have a club sandwich.

[00:05:40] Earlier this year, eight lacrosse teams were selected to compete in Alabama at the 2022 World Games an international sports competition held every four years. The Iroquois Nationals, a Native American team representing the Hoda Shawnee Confederacy was number three on the list, but [00:06:00] when invitations were sent out, there was one glaring omission, the Iroquois Nationals.

[00:06:07] What's the big idea? That's right. Competition organizers said the team was ineligible to compete, even though they're based in Lafayette, New York, they don't represent a Sovereign Nation or have an Olympic Committee. In other words, they are independent of the United States and have their own rules and people who enforce them.

[00:06:28] The Nationals were justifiably upset not to be invited to compete. One of the biggest ironies of this situation is the Holden Shawnee or the originators of lacrosse. Oh man! Introduced by Indigenous peoples as far back as 1100 AD they lovingly refer to it as the medicine game and see it not just as a sport, but a gift from their creator.

[00:06:52] So they were excluded from a competition that wouldn't even exist without them. [00:07:00] When word got out on social media, a petition was started demanding that they be included. After more than 50,000 people signed, World Game organizers reversed their position and wanted to include the Nationals, but now the competition roster was full.

[00:07:17] In an act of humanity and sportsmanship, the Ireland lacrosse team with drew from the competition to make a spot available for the Nationals. It was the most recent in a list of good deeds between the U S tribes in Ireland, like when Chocktaw leaders give $170 or $5,300 today, to Ireland during the Potato Famine. The Nationals were taken aback by the selfless nature of the Irish team.

[00:07:44] In a tweet, they wrote "You've gone above and beyond, not only for us, but for what you believe is right. Your actions have spoken louder than words, showing everyone the true power of sport and the spirit of lacrosse. We will [00:08:00] never forget that. "

[00:08:01] Huh? I sure hope the World Game organizers were listening because that is what sportsmanship is all about.

[00:08:16] It's time for your trivia question of the day.

[00:08:22] At the very first Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, which of the following featured alongside the floats instead of the giant balloons we're so used to seeing? Was it A) zoo animals, B) men on stilts or C) people dressed as cartoon characters. Did you guess it? The answer is A! Animals from the Central Park Zoo were tried it out alongside the puppets and celebrities riding on floats at the 1924 event.

[00:08:58] At this year's parade [00:09:00] due to the coronavirus, those big, beautiful balloons will be flying high, but without the usual crowds of spectators lining the streets. To avoid large crowds, most of the action will take place in front of Macy's Herald Square location in New York City. The best place to watch? At home in front of your TV. You really can't get any safer than that.

[00:09:29] Time's up! That's the end of The Ten for today, but you can catch new episodes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Ten News is a co-production of Small, But Mighty Media in collaboration with Next Chapter Podcasts and distributed  by iHeartRadio. The Ten News writing team is led by Editorial Director, Tracy Crooks, with contributions from Stephen Tompkins and Jacob Rozencwaig.

[00:09:52] The creative producer is Jenner Pascua. Marketing is led by Jacob Bronstein with social media and web support [00:10:00] by Steven Tompkins and Adam Pharr. Editing and sound designed by Pete Musto under the production direction of Jeremiah Tittle. Executive producer, Donald Albright and show creator Tracy Leeds Kaplan round out the team.

[00:10:13] If you have questions about the show or story idea or a fun fact, that you want to share, email us at hello@thetennews.com and don't forget to subscribe, rate and review The Ten News on Apple podcasts, iHeartRadio, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. I'm Bethany Van Delft, and thanks for listening to The Ten News.

[00:10:35] Now go think about what you’re thankful for.


Getting Into Gratitude 🙌


Keep That Pumpkin Pie to Yourself: A Coronavirus Update Bonus 🦠