Dads are the Coolest 🥸


Episode 97 Description

📣 Father’s Day is June 20th and it is time for some listener shout outs and Dad jokes! 😆 Thanks to our great Ten’ers who sent in their notes for their Dads and their favorite Dad jokes. Keep’em coming! ☎️ Laine Farber from the Nature Nerds podcast shares our favorite animal dads. ✅ And test your knowledge in today’s Trivia on the Ten! 🧐

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Various voices 0:00

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Bethany Van Delft 0:06

I'm Bethany Van Delft and this is The Ten News where we get the lowdown on what's up in the world. It's Thursday, June 17 and we're gearing up for Father's Day weekend here on The Ten. So let's dive into an awesome episode all about dads.

Father's Day's almost here, but first, where did this fatherly festival come from? Father's Day in the United States is actually more than 110 years old.

A Kid 0:40


Bethany Van Delft 0:42

In 1909, a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd from Spokane, Washington was listening to a sermon at her church all about Mother's Day. You may remember your history from last month's Mother's Day episode, which first began in 1908. Dodd's father had raised her and her five younger brothers all on his own after their mother died. So Dodd decided to petition for a holiday to honor dads Oh, and on June 19, 1910. The first Father's Day was celebrated in the city of Spokane. In church women gave roses to their dads and families were red rose pins in honor of their living fathers or white roses if their dad passed away. Father's Day gained popularity around the country after that, and Dodd traveled all over the country for most of her life to make the holiday official. And more than six years later, Father's Day became a holiday in the United States after President Richard Nixon signed a law in 1972. Now Father's Day always falls on the third Sunday in June. So today, we're celebrating all the dads out there.

Sound Bit 1:52

Dad I love you. Dad, I love you, Dad for copy.

Bethany Van Delft 2:01

Human dads maybe the stars of Father's Day, but we can't forget the fantastic fathers of the animal kingdom. Laine Farber, from the Nature Nerds Podcast is here to count down her top five animal dads.

Laine Farber 2:15

It's June, which means it's the month of dad. Father's Day is a very special holiday where we celebrate the fabulous fathers who raised us. Now last month we celebrated some amazing animal mamas. And you know, I'm not going to pass up an opportunity to sing the praises of some more fantastic critters. So sit back and relax while we count down the top five wild dads. Number five, the silverback gorilla. Silverback gorillas are social animals that live in groups called harem. Each harem consists of one adult male gorilla, and several adult female gorillas and their babies. The one adult male gorilla serves as dad to all of the babies and takes care of them with help from their mamas. He has the important job of protecting the infants from predators. And with a bunch of babies running around in different directions. This can be a challenging task. But don't worry, this dad also gets to have some fun. He helps the babies learn to socialize and can often be found playing games with all of his little ones. Number four, the rhea. Our number four slot goes to an ostrich-like bird from South America who has a lot on its plate. During mating season, the male rhea builds a large nest and puts on a show by stretching and contorting his body to attract the ladies. If his show is impressive, several ladies will join his harem then the females will lay their eggs and leave to join another group. Now all of the work falls on papa rhea who has upwards of 50 eggs to take care of all by himself. He works hard and sits on his nest keeping them warm for two months with little to no food and being a single dad doesn't get any easier once the eggs hatch. Now Papa has dozens of tiny mouths to feed. This bird's got a lot on his hands. I mean, wings. Number three, red fox. Our third dad on the list likes to practice tough love. Now from the moment that red fox pups are born. Their dad goes out to hunt and brings back food for the family. Each day these babies are gifted with free unlimited DoorDash but when the foxes turn about three months old, Dad cancels their food deliveries. Hey, sounds harsh but dad knows that his little ones need to learn to hunt and forage on their own. The pups don't love having their free food supply cut off, but dad helps ease them into things by burying food around the den and teaching them how to find it by using their super sniffers. Number two, seahorse. The second place slot on our countdown goes to a very unique animal where the male of the species gives birth.

A Kid 5:19


Laine Farber 5:20

Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. We're talking about seahorses. Now, during the courting process, male and female see horses will dance around each other. This dance can take days. If the two decide that they like each other, the female will deposit her eggs in the male's special pouch. Once safely inside the pouch. The eggs are fertilized and they begin growing into miniature versions of adult seahorses. And after only 20 days, the father seahorse gives birth to hundreds of tiny little babies.

And now to announce the number one dad in the animal kingdom this prestigious title goes to the dad that gives the best piggyback rides: the giant water bug.

A Kid 6:15


Laine Farber 6:16

That's right. The giant water bug lands the top place on our countdown for giving fabulously freaky piggyback rides.

A Kid 6:24


Laine Farber 6:25

Now, bugs aren't exactly known for being good parents. As a matter of fact, there are over 900,000 different species of insects and of those species. There are only 13 rad dads who care for their young. The giant waterbug is one of them, and he does a particularly good job of taking care of his babies. Dad's work begins the moment mama lays her eggs. From that point on, Papa waterbug does the heavy lifting. Literally. He carries the eggs around on his back until they hatch. After about one week of the world's longest and weirdest piggyback ride, the 100+ eggs will hatch and the baby bugs will swim off on their own. So thanks to all the awesome animal dads out there. And human dads too. Happy Father's Day to you all and Happy Father's Day to my dad, Guy. Hi there Guy.

Bethany Van Delft 7:24

Thanks lane. A probably skip the bug piggyback rides. But do you think that those foxes could deliver to my house next? Why are cornfields the best listeners? Because they're all ears! All right. You've been listening to my corny jokes all month. Now it's time for yours. We put out a call for your best and simultaneously worst, dad jokes. And you all gave us some side splitters.

Owen 8:03

Hi my name is Owen and I'm nine years old. And Happy Father's Day to y'all. My favorite dad joke I would say is: What did my fallen off ear say to my other fallen off ear? I didn't know, I couldn't hear him.

Bella 8:24

Hi my name is Bella and I'm from Columbus, Ohio. I like to say thank you to my dad for everything he does. And I have a joke. Why did the feet bring a ladder to school? Because he wanted to go to high school. The corniest joke my dad has ever said is a horse walks into a bar and the bartender says why such a long face?

Margaret 8:53

Hi, I'm Margaret, and I'm nine years old. Happy Father's Day to y'all and I hope you guys are going to have the best Father's Day in the world. My favorite dad joke is definitely what do I say the most to my dad? Where is mom?

Bethany Van Delft 9:11

Thanks for sharing with us Ten'ers. Now let's check in on some headlines. Summer is starting off hot hot hot, especially in the western United States where an extreme heat wave this week has been creating up to 120 degree temperatures in some spots. The heat wave is particularly dangerous in regions that are also experiencing a drought, which has the potential to create dangerous wildfires. Speaking of the lack of water, one small town in Florida, accidentally lost their water tower. The town sold the building underneath it, but when the new owner went to pick up his keys, he was told the tower was also included. Turns out, that was a big mistake. Fortunately, the new owner kindly gave the water tower back.

Sound Bit 10:16

Thank you very much.

Bethany Van Delft 10:18

Are you a roller coaster fan? Well, a park in New Jersey has unveiled the tallest, fastest and longest single rail roller coaster in the world, called the Jersey Devil. The ride is more than 13 storeys tall, and its top speed is about 60 miles an hour. Whoosh. And the Westminster dog show was back on Sunday after being delayed because of the pandemic. The show looks pretty different this year. Instead of inside at an arena, the show is held outside in front of a New York mansion. The top dog honor this year was awarded to Wasabi the Pekinegese. I'm so sure his mom whose name is sushi was so proud. You know he's in his prime and he just looks wonderful.

Sound Bit 11:11

So tonight's Best in Show to the Pekinegese.

Bethany Van Delft 11:21

Coming up next...

Sound Bit 11:22

What, what, what's the big idea?

Bethany Van Delft 11:26

Trivia on The Ten. The word dad has a long history in the English language. Where does it come from? Is it A) an old French word for father, B) the Roman's word for strong or C) baby talk?

Did you guess it? He answer is C, baby talk. Experts aren't totally sure where the word dad came from, but people who study language called linguists have a theory. They think it's because dad words from around the world like Tata, Abba, Papa and Baba sound so similar. Those ahh vowel sounds are easy for babies to make when they're just learning to talk. As for the consonant 'd' it's the second easiest consonant sound for baby snake, other than for Mama. Time is up, but before we go, here's a quick note for the grownups. Thanks for listening to The Ten News. Look out for our new episodes on Tuesdays, Thursdays and extras on Saturdays. You can go deeper into today's stories by visiting The Ten News is a co-production of Small But Mighty Media and Next Chapter Podcasts and is distributed by iHeart Radio. The Ten News creative team are all giving the dads in their lives a hug and includes Kate Hale, Tracey Crooks, Pete Musto, Jenner Pascua and Sarah Olender. Laine Farber contributed to this episode. Our production director is Jeremiah Tittle, and our executive producers are Donald Albright and show creator Tracy Leeds Kaplan. I'm Bethany Van Delft, and thanks for listening to The Ten News. Now there'll be no excuse for my corny jokes. Except for that I'm corny.


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